Portion control plates

Portion Control is Easy with these 5 Tips

Living a healthy life starts with the way we approach our meals. Portion control is a crucial part of a healthy diet that will project us toward our wellness goals. However, controlling your meals can be more difficult for some than for others. That’s why we’ve prepared five simple yet effective tips to master your portion control strategy. You may have heard of portion control plates or mindful eating occasionally. But if you never really understood how to tailor your diet to perfection with these strategies, that’s about to change in a matter of minutes.

Tip 1: Using portion control plates

Portion control plates are a terrific way to manage food intake while developing healthy eating habits. Portion control plates are specially designed to keep your portion sizes in check.

They are usually divided into sections, where each section is supposed to be filled with specific food groups – proteins, vegetables, and carbs. Think of portion control plates as visual assistance for your meals. By using them, you’ll have a clear picture of much of each food group you should include in your meal.

Portion control plates are also excellent stoppers of overeating habits. When you have those set sections, it’s less likely that you’ll fill your plate with excess food. They’ll encourage you to stick to reasonable serving sizes.

Finally, portion control plates are the ultimate consistency hack. When you use them for an extended period, you’ll get a much better understanding of how your portion sizes should look like. That makes it significantly easier to control your food intake even when you’re not using the plates.

Tip 2: Mindful eating

Mindful eating is a powerful ritual that can be a game-changer in your diet efforts. Instead of rushing through your plate, it encourages you to savor each bite and be fully present during your meals. That makes the entire experience a whole lot richer.

To add the mindful eating practice into your routine, here’s how you get started:

Engage your senses: 

Before taking your first bite, take a moment to observe the colors, textures, and aromas of your food. Although it sounds simple, it can make a genuine change in how you view and appreciate your meals.

Eat without distractions: 

Turn off the TV, put away your phone, and focus solely on your meal. Distractions are one of the most common reasons for overeating. Without them, you can pay attention to your body’s fullness signals. 

Chew thoroughly: 

Chewing your food slowly and thoroughly will aid digestion and allow your brain to process the act of eating. It takes around 20 minutes for your brain to realize you’re full. Hence, slowing down is another excellent strategy to prevent overeating.

Listen to your body: 

Your body will tell you when you’re full – you just need to listen to its cues. Stop eating when you’re satisfied, not when your plate is empty. Remember, it’s okay to have leftovers.

Tip 3: Meal planning 

Convenience, consistency, and efficiency are what meal planning is all about. Meal planning is the practice of preparing your meals in advance for a set period (for the next week, for example).

When you plan your meals in advance, you have complete control over portion sizes. With that, each meal will be perfectly balanced according to your specific needs. Portion control plates are the perfect partner for meal planning, as you can distribute your macros and make adjustments as needed.

Having meals ready and portioned in advance can ease the temptation of eating unhealthy foods. You’ll know exactly what you should eat, making it easier to stick to your plan. Additionally, you’re less likely to buy excess groceries or prepare more food than you can eat, reducing food waste.

Creating portion-controlled meal plans allows you to maintain balanced and nutritious eating habits. While meal planning helps you avoid impulsive dining choices, it’s also worth noting that you can complement your plan with the convenience of a healthy food delivery service, which offers healthy and portioned options for those days when cooking at home isn’t an option.

Tip 4: Keeping a food journal

After portion control plates, mindful eating, and meal planning, the next fantastic way to control your meals is a food journal. Recording your meals creates an invaluable resource that’ll give you insights into your eating habits.

Keeping a food journal makes you more aware of what and when you eat. This heightened awareness can reveal patterns of overeating or making unhealthy choices. When you write down your meals and snacks, you hold yourself accountable for your choices. It’s harder to ignore the reality of your diet when it’s in black and white.

Another perk is that you can find patterns that may be ruining your diet. Was it a stressful situation that urged you to grab a snack? Was boredom one of your triggers? You can easily spot those patterns when you have them written down.

When starting a food journal, do your best to be as detailed as possible. Include all the meals and snacks you eat, when and where, followed by your emotional state. The food journal is a tool for self-improvement, not judgment. Be honest with yourself about what you eat to achieve your goals effectively.

If you aren’t a big fan of writing things down, you can also use various apps to help you out, which brings us to our next tip.

Tip 5: Portion control tools and apps

On average, a person will spend more than three hours on their phones daily. Regardless of whether you use it for business or entertainment purposes, you can get incredible value with a few simple apps designed to help you with your portion control efforts.

Several mobile apps are specifically designed to help you manage your portion sizes. They provide information on recommended serving sizes, track your food intake, and offer personalized guidance for portion control.

Many websites and apps have rich nutritional databases that allow you to look up the calorie and nutrient content of various foods. By using this info, you can pinpoint the exact amount of calories your meals have

In addition to organizing your meals, these apps can also give you portion control recommendations. With them, balancing out your macronutrients will be effortless.

Some of the best apps that will boost your portion control efforts include:

  • MyFitnessPal;
  • Lose It!;
  • Yazio;
  • Mealtime.

Final thoughts

Portion control is the beginning of a healthier, more balanced diet. The five tips we’ve explored will undoubtedly make managing your portions more effective. From using portion control plates to practicing mindful eating, keeping a food journal, and utilizing digital tools and apps to embracing meal planning, you have various options.

With a bit of effort and consistency, you can make portion control a natural part of your daily routine. Your path toward better health begins with these simple yet powerful steps.

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