Keto vs. paleo diet

Keto vs. Paleo: Which Is Right for You?

Low-carb diets gained massive popularity with their effectiveness, and keto and paleo are arguably the most popular choices. However, many are confused or uncertain about which one will fit their lifestyle and goals best because of their similarity. But is keto vs. paleo the same? What can you expect from these diets? What are their pros and cons? Find the answers and more in the text below.

Is keto and paleo the same?

Although they share some similarities, keto, and paleo are different diets. Their main difference is in the foods they exclude. Keto emphasizes high-fat and low-carb meals to put your body in ketosis. Paleo focuses on whole, unprocessed foods with fewer restrictions on macronutrients.

The main idea behind the keto diet is to force your body to use ketones instead of glucose as your primary energy source. You can achieve that by reducing your carbs intake and substituting them with foods rich in healthy fats. When you do so, your body enters the state of ketosis and fuels your brain and muscles with the stored energy in your body (fat).

On the other hand, the paleo diet (short for the Paleolithic diet) is inspired by our ancestors’ habits. The main idea is to eat only whole, unprocessed foods. To follow the paleo diet, you should include as many lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts as possible. At the same time, you cut down on grains, dairy, and processed foods.

Keto vs. paleo macronutrients

Although you should focus on healthy, unprocessed foods, whichever diet you choose, the macronutrient goals can greatly help your choice.

The keto diet is very strict when it comes to the macronutrient ratio. It comprises approximately 70-75% of calories from fats, 20-25% from proteins, and only 5-10% from carbohydrates. As we mentioned, to get your body in the state of ketosis, you must lower your intake of carbs as much as possible for the body to burn fat for energy.

The paleo diet isn’t so strict regarding the macronutrient ratios. You’ll be on the right track as long as you focus on whole, unprocessed foods. However, to get the best results, you should use the formula – 30% lean protein, 40% fruits and veggies, and 30% healthy fats. 

Benefits of keto vs paleo diets

Both diets offer tremendous benefits for anyone who wants to improve their lifestyle. Still, it’s important to point out that they offer different benefits, which you should consider before making a final decision.

Keto diet benefits

Weight loss: 

The single biggest benefit of the keto diet is its effectiveness in promoting weight loss. By inducing ketosis, the body becomes a fat-burning machine, which leads to shedding excess pounds.

Increased energy: 

Many people who follow the keto diet experience increased and stable energy levels throughout the day. Again, the secret is the state of ketosis, where the body constantly uses fat for fuel.

Improved mental clarity: 

The production of ketones, especially beta-hydroxybutyrate, has shown enhanced cognitive function and mental clarity.

Blood sugar regulation: 

The keto diet can help with stabilizing blood sugar levels. That makes it an excellent option for those with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

Paleo diet benefits

Whole food nutrition

The paleo diet will wonderfully fuel your body with a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The whole foods you eat are nutrient-dense, meaning you’ll get a terrific balance of macro and micronutrients.

Improved digestion: 

Processed foods like gluten and dairy contain allergens, which can cause certain issues in your body. However, since you don’t consume them in the paleo diet, you will experience improved digestion and gut health.

Balanced blood sugar: 

The emphasis on low-glycemic fruits and vegetables in the Paleo diet will regulate blood sugar levels.

Anti-inflammatory effects: 

Many paleo diet followers report reduced inflammation. That’s enabled by the absence of processed foods and grains in the Paleo diet.

Drawbacks of keto vs. paleo

While both diets offer tremendous benefits, there are also a few drawbacks that can be a deal-breaker for you. Of course, knowing them will be another step closer to making the right call.

Keto diet drawbacks

Keto flu:

Some people may experience flu-like symptoms, known as the “Keto Flu”. It happens when you start the diet when your body still hasn’t adapted to the new system. If that happens, you may experience headaches, fatigue, and irritability. It usually goes away within one week.

Nutrient deficiencies: 

Following the keto diet can cause deficiencies in certain micronutrients since some ingredients (fruits, veggies, and whole grains) are limited. As a solution, you can take multivitamins to make up for the lost nutrients.

Social challenges:

As we concluded, the keto diet is very restrictive, which can make it hard to participate in social events and dine out. Unfortunately, that can be an obstacle in your social life. Still, a keto meal delivery service can ease your efforts with planning and maintaining your eating schedule.

Paleo diet drawbacks

Higher cost: 

Since you strongly emphasize organic, grass-fed foods, the paleo diet can be costly. Some may find it too expensive to follow as it’s less budget-friendly.

Limited grains:

Excluding grains may be a drawback for individuals who tolerate them well, as they are a good source of fiber and certain nutrients.

Individual variability: 

The Paleo diet’s focus on whole foods means individual responses can vary; some may find it less structured than desired.

Keto vs. paleo, which one is better?

As both diets offer pros and cons, is there a clear winner between keto vs. paleo? Not exactly, since the decision ultimately comes down to your personal goals and preferences.

For example, keto will be a better choice if your main objective is to lose fat as fast as possible. You will undoubtedly reach a healthy weight with the paleo diet, but it will take more time.

When it comes to lifestyle changes, paleo is definitely the easier option. It’s more flexible and easier to fit into basically every lifestyle, while keto is more restrictive.

Both keto and paleo have shown benefits in stabilizing blood sugar levels, making them potentially suitable for those who suffer insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. However, individual responses may vary from person to person.

To make the final decision between keto vs. paleo, try following these tips:

Trial and observation: 

You can try both diets for a certain period and observe how your body responds. Your personal experience can be a great indicator for catering to your unique needs.

Consultation with professionals: 

Before making significant dietary changes, consult with healthcare professionals or nutritionists. They can provide invaluable advice based on your health status and goals.

Long-term sustainability: 

Another excellent tip for choosing between keto vs. paleo is to consider how sustainable it is for your lifestyle in the long run. Consistency is key to every successful diet, as only sticking to it long-term will allow you to achieve and maintain health goals.

Final thoughts

When opting for a  low-carb lifestyle, choosing between keto vs. Paleo boils down to personal preferences and health goals. Focusing on rapid ketosis and structured rules, keto might appeal to those seeking swift weight loss. 

On the other hand, Paleo’s emphasis on whole, nutrient-dense foods offers a more flexible and sustainable approach. The key lies in aligning the chosen diet with your lifestyle and preferences. Remember, success ultimately stems from a plan that you can maintain long-term. Experiment, consult professionals, and make the change to support your health goals and harmonize with your unique lifestyle.

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