Low calorie meals

5 Guilt-Free Low Calorie Desserts

Enjoying desserts while achieving your fitness goals is often described as an impossible task. The most common dessert recipes contain processed sugars and flour. These ingredients will drastically increase your daily caloric intake. Additionally, they are far from healthy, which is another reason you should avoid them. However, you can enjoy mouthwatering desserts daily with a few tricks and substitutions. The secret is to swap the unhealthy ingredients with healthier alternatives. Doing so will make them a fine addition to your low calorie meal prep plan.

The science behind low calorie desserts

The word “guilt” might first come to mind when you think of desserts. However, you can enjoy delicious sweets without compromising your commitment to a low calorie meal prep. The key is to understand the science behind low calorie desserts.

The role of ingredients

In low calorie meal prep, you substitute the empty-calorie ingredients with healthier alternatives. Doing so will greatly reduce the calorie content:

Sugar substitutes: 

Traditional sugar can be swapped with natural sweeteners like stevia or erythritol. These will provide the sweetness without the added calories.

Flour alternatives: 

You can replace traditional white flour with almond or whole wheat flour. This slight adjustment will increase fiber content and reduce calorie density.

Healthy fats: 

Some fats are essential for flavor and texture. However, healthier fats like avocado or nut butter can perfectly replace saturated fats.

Balancing nutrients

Like other healthy diet options, low calorie desserts should provide a balanced nutrient profile. They should include more nutrient-dense foods like fruits, nuts, or whole grains. These will provide essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly. The goal is to create desserts that taste great and support your health.

Mindful eating

The science behind healthy desserts is also connected with the psychology of eating. Tasting each bite and eating mindfully can trick your brain. With this approach, you’ll feel more satisfied with smaller portions. Experiencing your meals’ flavors and textures is a big part of your feeling of fullness.

Low calorie dessert recipes

Now that you have a solid understanding of the science behind low calorie desserts, it’s time to put that knowledge into practice. These are the best desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth while aligning with your low calorie meal prep goals.

  1. Chocolate avocado mousse

For this fresh and chocolaty recipe, you’ll need:

  • one ripe avocado;
  • two tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder;
  • two tablespoons honey (or a sugar substitute);
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • a pinch of salt.

Scoop the flesh of the ripe avocado into a blender or food processor. Add cocoa powder, honey (or sugar substitute), vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. Blend the mixture until smooth and creamy.

Then, refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes before serving. Finally, garnish the dessert with some cocoa powder or fresh berries.

  1. Baked cinnamon apple slices

For this simple, yet delicious low calorie dessert, you’ll need:

  • two apples, thinly sliced;
  • one teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • one tablespoon honey (or a sugar substitute);
  • a squeeze of lemon juice.

Start by preheating your oven to 350°F (175°C). While the oven reaches that temperature, toss apple slices with ground cinnamon and lemon juice in a bowl.

Place the slices neatly on a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. Drizzle honey or your chosen sugar substitute evenly over the apples. Bake them for about 20-25 minutes until the apples are tender and slightly caramelized.

  1. Frozen banana pops

Another excellent low calorie meal prep dessert is the delicious frozen banana pops. To make them, prepare the following:

  • two ripe bananas peeled and cut in half;
  • a quarter cup dark chocolate chips (at least 70% cocoa);
  • a quarter cup chopped nuts (e.g., almonds or peanuts).

Gently slide a popsicle stick into each banana half. Heat the dark chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl. Keep stirring until the chocolate becomes smooth.

Immerse each banana half into the melted chocolate, then roll in chopped nuts. Set them on a tray that’s been covered with parchment paper. Freeze them for a few hours until the chocolate hardens.

  1. Chia seed pudding with fresh berries

Chia seeds are an excellent source of nutrients and combine perfectly with fresh berries. The ingredients for this dessert are:

  • two tablespoons chia seeds;
  • one cup almond milk (unsweetened);
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • one tablespoon honey (or a sugar substitute);
  • fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) for topping.

Combine chia seeds, almond milk, vanilla extract, and honey (or sugar substitute) in a jar. Stir well, ensuring that chia seeds are evenly distributed. Refrigerate overnight or for at least three to four hours until the mixture thickens. Serve in small bowls or glasses, topped with fresh berries.

  1. Frozen yogurt bark

This is another recipe with mixed berries. However, instead of chia seeds, we’ll mix them with Greek yogurt:

  • one cup Greek yogurt (low-fat or non-fat);
  • two tablespoons honey (or a sugar substitute);
  • half a cup of mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries);
  • a quarter cup of chopped nuts (almonds or walnuts).

Start by lining a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then, mix Greek yogurt and honey (or sugar substitute) in a bowl until well combined. Spread the yogurt mixture evenly on the parchment paper.

Follow that up by sprinkling mixed berries and chopped nuts on top. Freeze for at least two to three hours until the bark is solid. Finally, break into pieces and serve as a delightful frozen treat.

How to add these deserts into your low calorie meal prep routine?

Adding desserts into your low calorie meal prep routine is a fantastic way to enjoy sweet treats while maintaining your commitment to healthy eating. To make it happen, follow these simple few tips.

Plan your desserts ahead

Low calorie meal prep success begins with careful planning. Dedicate a portion of your meal prep time to plan and prepare your low calorie desserts for the week. 

Choose your desserts: 

Select the dessert recipes you want to enjoy during the week and make a list of the ingredients you’ll need.

Batch preparation: 

Prepare multiple servings of your chosen desserts to last throughout the week. This saves time and ensures you always have a healthy, sweet option.

Variety is key: 

Rotate your dessert options to keep things exciting. Experiment with different recipes to prevent boredom.

Include desserts’ calories in your meal plan

Count the calories from your desserts when crafting your low calorie meal prep plan. That will ensure your daily calorie intake aligns with your health and fitness goals. Then, you can balance your desserts with nutritious meals to maintain a well-rounded diet.


Many of us enjoy occasional snacks throughout the day. If that applies to you as well, you can pre-portion your desserts. Store them in snack-sized containers to make it more convenient. This makes it easy to grab a satisfying treat when cravings strike. Additionally, it eliminates the risk of overeating.

Store desserts properly

Pay special attention to properly storing your desserts to keep them fresh throughout the week. Use airtight containers to prevent moisture loss and maintain texture. Some desserts, like frozen treats, should be stored in the freezer to preserve quality.

Final thoughts

Culinary temptations seem to always be at our fingertips. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t include desserts in your low calorie meal prep ideas. These simple recipes will satisfy your sweet tooth while preserving your health and fitness goals. 

Once you understand their science, you can experiment with different ingredients. Of course, you can adjust them to your liking. Cheers to savoring the sweetness of life, one guilt-free dessert at a time.

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