Food that help with morning sickness

Foods that Fight Nausea During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience filled with joy and anticipation, but for many, it also brings the common challenge of facing morning sickness. It can be very unpleasant and overwhelming, with up to 75% facing it at some point during their pregnancy. However, with minor adjustments, you can make the symptoms much more bearable or disappear entirely. That’s why we bring you our selection of the best foods that fight nausea during pregnancy.

What causes morning sickness during pregnancy?

The main reason why morning sickness occurs during pregnancy is hormonal changes. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen are vital hormones for a healthy pregnancy. However, their effects can also trigger nausea. Additionally, increased sensitivity to smells and stomach swelling contribute to this common pregnancy discomfort.

Pregnancy nausea has the most severe effects in the first trimester of the pregnancy. Your hCG levels double every two to three days in the first trimester, which is a sudden change in your body.

The theory suggests that, as this hormone stimulates the vomiting center in the brain, it will trigger nausea as a side effect of pregnancy. The sensitivity to this hormone is very individual, and people with different levels of tolerance will experience nausea at different severities.

In addition to hCG, estrogen and progesterone are two more hormones that correlate with nausea during pregnancy. Elevated estrogen levels can increase the sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract and the brain’s response to nausea. Once again, this surge of estrogen is most noticeable in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Progesterone is a crucial hormone for a healthy pregnancy as it has a relaxing effect on your digestive tract muscles. With that effect, it prevents the uterus from contracting and relaxes it, which prevents preterm labor and ensures a healthy pregnancy. However, as a side effect, it can slow down your digestion, which gives you a full stomach sensation, which then causes pregnancy nausea.

Foods that fight nausea during pregnancy


Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a nausea suppressant. The secret is in its bioactive compounds, like gingerol, that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, which soothe the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to soothing, ginger also has the ability to stimulate the body to produce digestive enzymes that enhance your digestion.

There are numerous ways to include ginger in your daily routine. For example, you can make ginger tea by adding fresh ginger slices to hot water or simply purchase ginger tea bags. 

If you’re having trouble keeping liquids down during your morning sickness, you can try out ginger candies or chews. They’re a quick and easy way to ease pregnancy nausea, especially if you’re on the go.

You can also experiment with adding ginger to your meals throughout the day, as it pairs well with both savory and sweet dishes.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are one of the very unique foods that fight nausea during pregnancy. The pleasant smell of citrus fruits can have a refreshing effect, and inhaling them proved to be a very effective nausea relief for pregnant women.

Additionally, citrus fruits have a high water content, which can be crucial for your hydration needs. During pregnancy, staying well-hydrated should be on top of your priority list to support fetal circulation and replenish any fluids you may have lost.

And as proper hydration also helps with pregnancy nausea, think of citruses as a simple way to reach those goals.

Apart from the classic citrus lemonade, you can incorporate citruses in a few more creative ways. For example, you can make a simple, refreshing drink by adding fresh citrus slices to the water. Going a step further, you can enjoy a fantastic healthy citrus shot for complete revitalization.

You can also make a smoothie by blending oranges, lemons, or limes for a nutritious morning sickness relief. Of course, you can add other fruits to the mix to add more variety.


Peppermint is another very efficient ingredient for suppressing nausea, and morning sickness during pregnancy isn’t an exception. As we mentioned, hormones have the tendency to irritate your digestive tract and make it more sensitive.

Peppermint, particularly the menthol compound it contains, relaxes those muscles which soothes those uncomfortable gut movements and gives you the much needed nausea relief.

Another way peppermint can help with morning sickness is with its anti-inflammatory properties. During pregnancy, there is a major tissue remodeling that happens within your body. That process can cause localized inflammation, and nausea is a common follow-up to that state.

With peppermint, you can combat this inflammation more easily and indirectly reduce nausea.

When it comes to consuming options, you can make peppermint tea or take peppermint candies. You can also sprinkle small amounts of food if that’s something you’d prefer. However, avoid concentrated peppermint in the form of essential oils and supplements.

Those forms are very potent and can do more harm than good. Instead, focus on smaller amounts and see how your body reacts to them.


Excess stomach acid is another contributor to morning sickness, which makes crackers one of the best foods that fight nausea during pregnancy. With their high contents of absorbable starches, they act like tiny sponges for stomach acid.

Additionally, research suggests starch breakdown releases bicarbonate, a natural antacid produced by the body to neutralize stomach acid. So, crackers don’t just mop up existing acid; they potentially stimulate further neutralization.

To many, crackers have a pretty bland smell and taste. Although this is usually not very appealing, it can be a major advantage during pregnancy. Strong flavors and smells can easily cause nausea, and the neutral properties of crackers bypass that sensory overload and keep your stomach calm.

Still, if that bland taste is too hard for you to enjoy, you can mash a ripe banana on top for potassium and natural sweetness. You can also spread a thin layer of avocado for healthy fats and additional nausea-fighting potential.


Bananas are very easy to tolerate due to their gentle taste and smell. They are also easy to digest and light for the stomach, making them an excellent choice for fighting morning sickness.

When nausea strikes, it’s clear that you aren’t very keen on eating pretty much anything. Unfortunately, that can worsen the situation as your blood sugar levels drop, which makes the nausea even more intense. With a banana, you can quickly replenish your sugar levels thanks to its natural sugar content.

In addition, bananas provide a plethora of health benefits, including their high content of vitamin B6 (which can also reduce nausea during pregnancy), they are a good source of potassium, as well as fibers, which can aid in digestion.

Bananas are also very versatile, and apart from enjoying them standalone, you can mix them with other fruits into a smoothie or add toppings like nuts and honey for a nutritious treat.

Final thoughts

Dealing with morning sickness can be a heavy burden, but you must be aware of the fact that many other pregnant women face it and that you have the strength to overcome it. Of course, resorting to the right foods that fight nausea during pregnancy will make that challenge a whole lot easier.

Experiment with these combinations and consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice. No matter how small these dietary adjustments are, they can provide fantastic results and give you a more comfortable and nausea-resistant pregnancy experience. 

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