a Meal Kit Costs vs Buying the Groceries

Here’s How Much a Meal Kit Costs vs. Buying the Groceries

Home-cooked meals take a lot of time and work to prepare in today’s society. With busy schedules, this is not particularly convenient. Meal Kits offer nutrient-dense, portion-controlled meal packages that are ideal for a variety of tastes. In 2020, meal subscription plans exploded as more people stayed home to cook than eat out. This is why meal kit costs vs. buying the groceries is a calculation everyone should do to lessen the pressure from the home budget.

Yet some meal kits subscribers are questioning whether their subscription is still cost-effective. Especially now that restaurants and supermarkets are open for business as usual. In particular, after the promotional discounts have expired. 

Except for promotion, meals typically range from $6 to $12 per serving. Which puts the price on compared with some take-out options.  Customers still need to buy groceries for other meals. The reason is, most meal plan memberships only cover four to six meals per week. 

Whether a solid meal is worth it depends on what’s important to you and how much you usually spend on groceries. Here are a few things to think about before deciding whether to keep your meal plan subscription.

How much money would you normally spend on food?

For some customers, price is the most important factor when choosing a cooking set. Membership can cost more or less than you typically spend on ingredients. It depends on your grocery and restaurant spending budget, as well as your household size.

A meal kit, however, can be a more affordable choice if you would otherwise be ordering takeout or dining out. The majority of restaurants give a discount for ordering additional meals. So it might be a more alluring choice for a bigger household.

How do meal kit delivery services work?

While there may be differences between the various meal kit services, they all do the same task. They bring the recipes to your door and provide fresh ingredients. Cooking is all you need to do! 

To see their menu for the following weeks, you must visit their website before the magic happens. Depending on your family size or the number of meals you need, you can order a few delectable dishes. Research with your family members which delivery service would be best for you. Choose a delivery date after that, and you’re ready to go! The meal delivery package will arrive at your door on the day you specify.

Don’t worry; they packaged it carefully with insulated liners and cooling packs. So when you open it, your food should be cold and fresh.

What price range will you accept for convenience?

Less obvious ways exist where meal kits can save money. They reduce the time and effort required to prepare meals and go grocery shopping. This can prevent you from experimenting in the kitchen.

Others profit from the practicality of receiving materials that have been pre-portioned. Especially if getting groceries is challenging for you.

What price range would you accept for variety?

Without a meal kit, cooking at home usually entails coming up with inventive ways to use leftover ingredients throughout the week. Which results in meals with leftovers or repeating ingredients to reduce food waste. It’s a good idea to have a backup plan in place in case you need to cancel your membership since the amounts of the ingredients are smaller than what you would buy in a grocery shop.

If you’re happy with your regular routine of cooked meals and leftovers, it might be pointless to spend more money on a different lunch menu. Yet, it can be worth the extra cost, possibly even cheaper, if you like trying out new recipes. Especially if you don’t want to buy a basket of stuff you’ve never used before and may never use again.

Comparison of the cost of meal kits and groceries

The price range for meal kits varies. A reasonable, cost-effective meal kit ought to cost about $5 per dish. Dollar for dollar, this is a bit more expensive than shopping for your groceries. 

Some aspects, though, make paying a little bit extra for meal packages acceptable. Considerations such as fuel costs, food waste, and time can increase the potential of meal delivery services. 

If you are a busy person who values the time you should consider subscribing to meal delivery service such as Jet Fuel Meals. Our offer starts from $61 / weekly.

·         Fuel costs

Home-cooked meals are becoming more expensive due to ongoing inflation and rising prices. Therefore, meal delivery services may be the more cost-effective choice. You don’t need to make frequent excursions to the grocery shop. If you order your meals, they will be delivered straight to your door. 

·         Waste of food

Meal kits’ reduces your carbon footprint by eliminating food waste and using recyclable packaging. In this way, you can avoid buying large quantities of ingredients. The packages of ingredients are large, and we usually use them for one or two meals. While the rest of the package remains on the shelves or in the refrigerator. Each meal kit provides the perfect amount of what you need for that particular meal. 

This means no more half-eaten cans or jars taking up space in your fridge. 

·         Time

It takes a significant amount of your time to go grocery shopping. You might be able to do something more productive with the time you spend at the grocery shop. Also, you can find yourself purchasing many useless products. Adding to your already unforeseen expenses. This can very rapidly balance out transportation costs. Which are one of the greatest worries associated with food delivery services. 

You receive your meals from meal delivery providers. They spare you the trouble of putting in the time to plan and prepare meals. Also, this cut out hours spent shopping and making ingredient lists each week. Some meal delivery services even provide oven-ready meals. This is also helpful for cutting time to cook! 

Why meal kits should be your first choice over grocery stores

Meal delivery services are generally still more affordable. Even though grocery shopping can occasionally be cheaper. Even the cheapest meal delivery services offer tasty and high-quality meals. This way you don’t need to plan, shop, prepare, or cook a lot. In addition, delivering a meal kit to your doorstep takes much less time than visiting a store. 

Meal Kits also offer many options for those with certain dietary limitations. You may buy vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and paleo meal kits. Rather than scouring various grocery stores for specialized (sometimes pricey) items. Excellent meal delivery options exist as well for those looking to lose weight.


Today’s busy schedules leave little room to spend time with your loved ones. Is cooking meals worth spending extra hours on?  Meal kits are popular because people believe they are more affordable and convenient than groceries. Yet, groceries are actually slightly more affordable when compared directly.  However, the convenience and time savings of a meal package can make up for the price difference. There are also other undetected economies at work. 

You may get great meals delivered to your door for a fair price. They don’t need a huge commitment and are also flexible. The service is actually good for the environment. Regardless of how intimidating the package may appear. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Altogether, the difference is a couple of dollars.

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