Maintaining Your Health After a Diet: How a Maintenance Meal Plan Can Help

Maintain Your Health Post-Diet with Our Maintenance Plan

If you have successfully lost weight or improved your health, you might be looking for practical tips for health after a diet. After all, getting where you are may have required a lot of effort and perseverance. You don’t want to undo all of your effort, that’s for sure.

The good news is that you can keep your weight off without dieting if you put some thought into it and work hard at it. Yo-yo dieting is connected to a range of health issues even though it may seem harmless. Included in this are obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and sleeplessness.

Here is everything you need to know to maintain your weight loss. Including why people regain weight and techniques you can use, so that you don’t get caught up in this loop.

Causes of regaining weight 

After achieving their ideal weight or health goal, it’s typical for people to ask what to do next. In actuality, over 80% of individuals who attempt to lose weight fail to do so over the long term.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that calorie intake and expenditure alone cannot guarantee weight loss, maintenance or health after a diet. It is more complicated than that. Furthermore important are your hormones. In particular, leptin is also known as the hunger hormone. Leptin is released by fat cells to control body weight. Your body will create more leptin the more body fat you have. 

Leptin levels drop when you lose weight. This signals to your body that it is starving, making you feel the need to eat. If your appetite and hunger are extreme, you might eat more and gain weight.

People often regain weight for a variety of reasons. Moreover, they could put on weight when adhering to a restrictive diet. Or even lack sustainable eating habits. If they quit exercising, some people might even put on weight again. It may be time to rethink your weight maintenance strategy if any of these conditions apply to you. These are some facts on why people gain weight. 

Maintaining restricted diets

In two different ways, restrictive diets can sabotage efforts to lose weight. Firstly, strict undereating has a quick weight-loss effect that lowers leptin levels. This hormone regulates appetite, which then makes you eat more. Secondly, you can put a certain food group on a pedestal and restrict your intake of it.

You become even more hungry as a result of this. And if you don’t eat enough during the day, you can end up binging in the evening. In this way, you will consume more calories than you would have if you eat nutritious food all day. 

In fact, cutting calories too drastically is often the root cause of weight loss stalling. It will be hard to resist when you find yourself in front of the refrigerator or pantry. This could happen because you aren’t feeling full, so you will take in more calories than you realize.

This is why it is crucial to lose weight with a small caloric deficit. One that keeps you feeling satisfied and full as you pursue your weight loss goals, emphasizing your health after a diet.

The absence of sustainable practices

The absence of a strategy for leaving the food plan is a significant drawback of dieting. The majority of eating regimens specify what to consume while adhering to them. Yet, what you eat thereafter is crucial. This is why it is preferable to choose a diet that you can stick to for the rest of your life rather than deviate from. 

Following a tight diet that you don’t see yourself sticking to for the long run, is not healthy for you. Also, it is not a sustainable eating regimen. To keep off the weight you’ve lost and stop the yo-yo dieting cycle, you need to develop sustainable habits.

Seeking for fast solutions

Please note this. When it comes to weight loss, there aren’t any miracle remedies or fast treatments. It may be tempting to follow through on these kinds of promises. But in the end, it will only cause your plans to fall apart. 

For instance, to kickstart their weight loss, some people use juice cleanses or fasts. These options can lead to a bad connection with food and are not part of a healthy meal plan. Before beginning, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of a cleanse or fast with your doctor or a nutritionist.

It’s also crucial to think about the advantages of slow weight loss vs rapid weight loss. Quick weight loss results in greater lean mass and less body fat loss than slower weight loss.

How to maintain your weight

You must consume as many calories each day as you expend in order to maintain your weight. Avoid making drastic changes to your diet or exercise schedule. Instead, implement gradual changes that won’t result in significant weight gain. You should give yourself six to eight weeks to reach your maintenance level.

Some people might discover that shedding pounds is a lot simpler than keeping it off in the long run. Maintaining weight demands a lot of time and work. To sustain your weight loss and achieve your health goals, it’s crucial to create a plan.

Here are a few more tips to help you keep your weight under control and go on to the next stage of your health journey.

1.     Workout regularly

Keeping a regular exercise schedule is essential for keeping weight under control.

It might help you burn off some extra calories and speed up your metabolism. These are two requirements for achieving energy balance.

When your body is in energy balance, you are burning the same number of calories as you are taking in. Your weight is thus more likely to remain constant. 

2.     Consume a lot of protein

As protein can help curb hunger and encourage fullness, eating a lot of it may help you maintain your weight.

Protein raises the body’s levels of satiety-inducing hormones. Which are crucial for controlling weight. Moreover, protein has been proven to lower hormone levels linked to increased hunger.

3.     Monitor your carb consumption

Maintaining your weight would be easier to do if you pay attention to the types and amounts of carbs you eat.

Consuming excessive amounts of refined carbs might make it difficult to maintain your weight. You can find it in fruit juices, white bread, and pasta.

You might be able to keep off your weight loss if you restrict your overall carb intake. 

4.     Follow your meal plan for the entire week (even on weekends)

Eating healthy throughout the week is not enough. It is necessary to adhere to it on weekends. Enjoying the weekend is a bad habit that often results in weight gain. It’s also a poor idea to have a “cheat day.”

If it becomes a habit, you run the risk of gaining back more weight than lost, compromising your health after a diet.

5.     Hydrate yourself

Several factors make drinking water beneficial for maintaining weight.

First of all, if you drink one glass before a meal, it encourages fullness. And might help you limit your calorie consumption.

When compared to study participants who didn’t drink anything, those who drank water before a meal consumed 13% fewer calories.

The amount of calories you burn during the day has also been found to rise somewhat when you drink water.


Achieving your weight loss objectives is satisfying. Not having a strategy is the last thing you want to do after putting in so much effort. Keep up the improvements you’ve already made if you want to keep your Health after a diet. Your chances of gaining weight again increase if you go back to your former routines. Strive to integrate the changes into your way of life. 

If you think you can’t do it alone, it’s perfectly fine to seek help. You can ask for help from a doctor or a nutritionist. You can also search for support groups. Or maybe the easier thing would be to sign up to meal plan delivery service such as Jet Fuel Meals.

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