Maintenance calorie meal plan (400 kcal)

Maintenance Calorie Meal Plan (400 kcal)

A lot of people have recently embraced the highly popular 400 calorie meal plan as a method of dieting. Its popularity has increased over time and is still increasing. 

A person can lose extra weight very fast by following a low-calorie diet plan like this one. And it doesn’t require much effort. When a diet plan calls for ingesting no more than 1200 calories of food per day, it is referred to as a low-calorie diet. Some diet programs, like the 400-calorie-per-day diet plan, can be dangerous. To be safe, you need to take the appropriate safety measures.

Do some research and, more important, visit your professional dietician or nutritionist. You’ll keep to the right course if you do it this way. Thus, if you intend to follow a diet, such as a 400-calorie diet, please speak with the right specialists first.

What to pay attention to when starting a calorie meal plan?

The diet’s fundamental tenet is straightforward: consume three to four 400-calorie meals daily. You may still enjoy all of your favorite foods as long as you pay attention to your portion sizes.

The equation for weight loss

Around 3,500 calories make up one pound. You must reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 to 1,000 calories to lose weight safely. One to two pounds maximum per week. 1,600 calories a day may be right for you or maybe insufficient, depending on your age, gender, and degree of exercise. You might need to add a fifth meal if the scale is decreasing too quickly.

An illustration

A woman who has been largely inactive for her whole life decides to get in shape. She needs to reduce her 2,000-calorie consumption by 400 calories if she wants to move the scale. Therefore, she chooses to work out, burning 100 calories every time. She now has 1,600 calories per day left over for food.  Her calories can be split up into four meals, each of which has 400 calories, which is the simplest way to do it. 


Dinner may appear to be empty when you reduce your meals to 400 calories each. High-fat foods include a lot of calories. As a result, you consume more calories from less food. Trim the fat and concentrate on filling meals to prevent feeling deprived. The Centers for disease control and prevention advises substituting some high-calorie foods with those that are high in water and fiber. For instance fresh produce, whole grains, and legumes. For instance, you could swap out a fried chicken sandwich for a plate full of vegetables.

Read the label 

It’s simple to calculate calories thanks to nutrition facts labels. Examine the calories per serving by turning over a food package. The complete box or package is not the same as one serving, which you should be aware of. An example of a freezer meal might be three meals per box, each with 200 calories. The entire meal would include more calories than your target of 400 for the day.

Ideas for meals


A healthy breakfast is a terrific method to help you stay motivated throughout the day. Likewise, it might aid you in renouncing that pastry from your neighborhood coffee shop.

1. Egg muffins with vegetables

These tiny “muffins” are a quick and simple breakfast option for those who are rushing out the door. Eggs are a great source of protein. You can prepare them ahead of time and keep them in the fridge for up to a week. Then consume cold or, if you’d rather have it the warm, microwave. 

2. Yogurt – strawberry pancake rolls

Instead of regular flour, this recipe calls for protein powder and whole oats. Yogurt contains probiotics, which can aid in maintaining a healthy gut. Using a sugar substitute instead of sugar reduces the number of calories.

3. Many types of porridge

Depending on your preference, add nuts, a dollop of Greek yogurt, and fresh or dried fruit.

Add a little cinnamon for flavor and sweeten it with honey or maple syrup. You might feel full through lunch thanks to the whole grains.

4. Baked portobello mushroom with egg stuffing

These portobello cups make a great breakfast (or even lunch). They are full of vegetables so they are a great choice. The egg adds protein, and if you want to make it paleo-friendly, you can skip the cheese.

5. Egg and avocado toast

Within five minutes, you can have breakfast ready! Avocados are a nutrient-dense superfood that contains a lot of fat. However, it’s the kind of fat that’s excellent for your heart and will keep you full until lunch. 


A fantastic strategy to reduce your daily calorie intake is to bring your lunch to work. It’s also a simple approach to cut costs. By preparing these meals the night before, you can save time in the mornings.

1. A bean spread-wrapped roasted vegetable

This vegan wrap has a lot of protein thanks to the bean spread. You can change up the vegetables to match the season or your palate.

Replace the bean spread recipe with pre-made hummus for an even speedier assembly. 

For a quick lunch on-the-go, steam your vegetables the night before. After that, put together the wrap just before leaving the house.

2. Quick Greek salad made with chopped chickpeas

Chickpeas are a great source of protein and fiber that will help you feel full till dinner. You can eat the salad alone, on a bed of greens, or you can add some quinoa for more protein, fiber, and nutritional value.

3. Black beans and spicy spaghetti squash

With a high fiber and vitamin A content, spaghetti squash makes a very flexible meal base. Black beans are a legume that is high in protein, fiber, and folate and can help prevent sugar surges.

4. Pasta and rapini

Rapini, often known as broccoli rabe, has potent anti-cancer phytochemicals. This turnip relative provides a high source of iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K.

5. Raw tacos filled with walnuts

Try this meaty-tasting vegan dish instead of a sandwich. It’s full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, as well as healthy fats.


At dinner, 400 calories might not seem like much. Yet, there are ways to maximize your nutrients without adding extra calories and fat. 

1. Chicken pad Thai with spaghetti squash

This is a fantastic paleo-friendly take on Thai cuisine. Instead of chicken, you may use shrimp or tofu.

2. Cauliflower rice with orange chicken thighs 

This can be a decent alternative for anyone trying to reduce their carb intake. The meal substitutes cauliflower for the carbs.

Lean protein is also provided by the flavorful, juicy chicken. Also, this dinner takes only around 30 minutes to prepare and cook.

3. Lettuce wraps with chicken

This flavorful, healthier alternative to a well-liked restaurant dish. Vegetables come in a variety of vitamins and nutrients. You can experiment with the components to create a meal that tastes good to you.

4. A healing bowl of poached eggs, sweet potatoes, and turmeric

You will want to make this meal more than once because of the fun combination of turmeric and sweet potato. Moreover, you might use quinoa, farro, or bulgar wheat instead of brown rice.

5. Chicken cacciatore in a slow cooker

With little effort, this slow cooker dish delivers tremendous flavor. Serve over pasta for a heartier supper or on a bed of spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles to keep it light.

The bottom line

Above all, you don’t have to limit yourself to salad greens if you want to eat healthily. Indulge your taste buds and appetite with a range of textures and flavors to keep them happy.

You can eat healthily and control your calorie consumption. All you need is a little bit of planning and preparation. Even after organizing all of this, you can still have a fulfilling and inspiring day.

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