High protein nuts and seeds

Nuts and Seeds in High Protein Meal Prep

Finding suitable protein sources is vital to every sustainable and healthy meal plan. Some sources offer high amounts of protein but lack nutritional value in other fields. However, there’s a particular culinary treasure that has the ideal nutrient profile for your high protein meal prep called nuts and seeds.

They can fit into almost every meal plan, and with their high protein and healthy fat content, you’re guaranteed to hit your diet goals while enjoying their deliciousness.

Benefits of consuming nuts and seeds

Although tiny, nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients that can elevate your high protein meal prep in numerous ways. Firstly, nuts and seeds are packed with protein. The exact amount of protein will vary depending on the type. Still, many nuts and seeds provide a moderate to high protein content per serving. 

This makes them an excellent addition to your high protein meal prep diet, especially for those with vegan or vegetarian diets. Below is a table with some of the most popular nuts and seeds, alongside their protein and calorie content per serving.

The table

Nut/SeedProtein Content (per 1 oz or 28g serving)Calories (per 1 oz or 28g serving)
Almonds6g160 calories
Walnuts4g185 calories
Cashews5g157 calories
Pistachios6g159 calories
Pecans2.6g196 calories
Hazelnuts4.2g178 calories
Peanuts7g160 calories
Macadamia Nuts2g204 calories
Chia Seeds4.7g138 calories
Flaxseeds5.2g150 calories
Pumpkin Seeds9g148 calories
Sunflower Seeds5.5g165 calories
Hemp Seeds10g155 calories

The second reason you should include nuts and seeds in your high protein meal prep is their healthy fat content. They’re particularly rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are heart-healthy and provide a source of long-lasting energy. As you can see from the table, nuts and seeds are calorically dense. That means small portions will have more calories than many other foods. Still, when you consume them in moderate amounts, they can be very beneficial for your health.

The third reason for increasing your nuts and seeds intake is that they’re a balanced source of carbohydrates. Most seeds are fairly low in carbs (like macadamia nuts). Others, like cashews, contain a moderate amount. Adding different types of seeds and nuts to your diet allows you to control your carb intake and align it with your weight goals.

The carbs in nuts and seeds primarily come from fiber, which brings us to our next point. The high fiber content in nuts and seeds will do wonders for your digestive health while helping to regulate blood sugar levels. Fiber will also promote the feeling of fullness, making it the perfect solution for those who like to snack throughout the day. 

Finally, nuts and seeds are not just about macros. They’re also rich in micronutrients, including vitamins (for example, vitamins E and B) and minerals (like magnesium and phosphorus). They also contain phytonutrients and antioxidants that bring more health benefits to the table.

Nuts and seeds in different dietary plans

Nuts and seeds are incredibly versatile, which makes it easy to include them in different dietary plans. They’ll add flavor and nutrition to your meals, giving them the edge over other options. Here’s how you can include them in your high protein meal prep regardless of your diet plan:

Keto diet

The main characteristic of the keto diet is the low carb intake with high-fat consumption. That’s precisely what nuts and seeds provide; they’re rich in healthy fats and protein while fairly low in carbohydrates. Here’s how you can include them in your high protein meal prep while staying in ketosis:


Portion keto-friendly nuts like macadamia nuts or pecans into individual servings for convenient on-the-go snacks.

Smoothie packs: 

Prepare keto-friendly smoothie packs by pre-measuring chia or hemp seeds and low-carb berries. Then freeze them for quick breakfasts.

Salad jars: 

Create keto salad jars by layering keto-friendly vegetables, cheese, and pumpkin seeds for easy-to-grab lunches.

Meal prep bowls: 

Make keto meal prep bowls with roasted nuts and seeds alongside your favorite protein and low-carb veggies for a week’s worth of lunches or dinners.

Vegan and vegetarian diets

One of the most common obstacles in vegan and vegetarian diets is the lack of protein. As meats and potentially dairy products are off the table, getting an adequate amount of protein from plant-based sources becomes challenging. That’s where nuts and seeds step in as the ideal solution. Here’s how you can elevate your vegan or vegetarian high protein meal prep with nuts and seeds:

Protein sources: 

Make a batch of vegan almond or cashew cream sauce and store it for use in various dishes throughout the week.

Veggie burger prep: 

Prepare vegan burger patties made from ground nuts and seeds. Freeze them for future meals.

Plant-based protein bowls: 

Create plant-based protein bowls with nuts, seeds, and cooked grains. Portion them into meal prep containers for easy lunches or dinners.

Meal prep stir-fries: 

Prepare vegan stir-fry with tofu, plenty of vegetables, and a nut or seed-based sauce. Portion it into meal prep containers for quick and tasty dinners.

Gluten-free and paleo diets

Nuts and seeds are naturally gluten-free, which makes them a perfect ingredient for gluten-free and paleo diets. The healthy fats in nuts and seeds match the idea of consuming natural, unprocessed foods in the paleo diet. In addition, these diets require protein-rich snacks, which is another reason you should include them in your high protein meal prep efforts.

Grain substitutes: 

Bake almond flour-based muffins or pancakes in advance and store them for quick breakfasts.

Paleo snack packs: 

Assemble a paleo-friendly trail mix with your favorite nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Portion them into snack-sized containers for convenient snacking.

Nut-based dessert prep: 

Prepare gluten-free and paleo desserts using nuts as a base and store them in individual servings for guilt-free indulgence.

Paleo meal prep bowls: 

Make paleo meal prep bowls with roasted vegetables, a protein source of your choice, and a sprinkle of seeds for added crunch and flavor.

Final thoughts

With their versatility and terrific nutritional profile, nuts and seeds are essential in your high protein meal prep plan. They will fit perfectly into almost any diet. Hence, regardless of whether you follow a keto, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, or paleo diet, nuts and seeds can be central to achieving your dietary goals.

Their versatility allows you to incorporate them into countless meal options, which they’ll enrich with essential nutrients, healthy fats, and plant-based proteins. Let nuts and seeds be the flavorful foundation of your high protein meal prep, supporting your journey toward a more nutritious and delicious way of eating.

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