The Ultimate Meal Plan to Stop You from Gaining Back Lost Weight

Stop Gaining Back Lost Weight

Weight regain after initial weight loss is a common challenge many individuals face. It can be frustrating to see the pounds creep back on. Understanding the factors behind weight regain is essential in finding effective prevention strategies. 

In the following words, we will explore the reasons behind weight regain. Then we will discover how to prevent it with the ultimate meal plan.

Why do we regain weight?

People usually gain back lost weight due to:

  • metabolism changes;
  • lack of lifestyle changes;
  • emotional eating;
  • dietary boredom;
  • social influence;
  • lack of support.

When you lose weight, your metabolism has to adapt to save energy. These changes will lower your resting metabolic rate (RMR). That resting metabolic rate is crucial for organ functions and blood circulation. 

On average, RMR ranges from 1200 to 1800 calories daily. Dieting can get it on the lower end of the scale. When that happens, it’s easier to regain weight even when you consume the same amount of calories.

A lack of lifestyle changes can also be the reason behind regaining weight. Short-term diets are very restrictive, where you intake very few calories per day. They are effective, and you will undoubtedly lose weight quickly.

However, the problem with these diets is that they don’t work in the long run. As soon as you increase your caloric intake, the weight will return. 

That can be very stressful, which brings us to the point of emotional eating. Food is a way to deal with emotions for many people. It’s caused by stress, anxiety, or even boredom. Hence, those underlying issues can make weight loss very challenging.

Additionally, those underlying issues can lead to dietary boredom. Constantly eating the same meals can make it monotonous. That forces you to return to your old eating habits. You can solve that by choosing a food delivery service to bring healthy options to your doorstep.

Another reason why you may have regained weight is your social surroundings. Unhealthy food is almost always available at social events. And when you are frequently exposed to those options, it can get too tempting. 

Finally, a lack of support is a huge obstacle you may face in your weight loss journey. Having a support system can make a significant difference. Unfortunately, regaining lost weight becomes easier without ongoing support or guidance.

The ultimate meal plan to stop you from gaining back lost weight

Losing weight is a great achievement. But it’s equally important to maintain a healthy diet afterward. To do so, consider this concept as it can bring amazing results.



Eating protein for breakfast will give you the feeling of fullness. That can be very helpful in preventing overeating later in the day. Protein is also crucial for repairing and building muscle tissue. That is vital to keep your metabolism healthy.

Complex carbohydrates

Including complex carbohydrates at breakfast provides a steady release of energy. This helps you to keep your energy high. It will give you a feeling of satisfaction and prevent you from craving unhealthy snacks. Complex carbs also provide dietary fiber. That fiber keeps your digestion healthy, which is a big part of weight loss. 

Breakfast suggestion

Spinach and mushroom omelet:

  • ingredients: spinach, mushrooms, eggs, onion, olive oil;
  • serve with: whole-grain toast and a side of mixed berries;
  • explanation: this meal provides protein from eggs. The essential vitamins and minerals come from spinach and mushrooms. The healthy fats are from olive oil. You get complex carbohydrates from whole-grain toast.


Lean proteins

Including lean protein at lunch gives you the essential amino acids. They are crucial for muscle maintenance and repair. Protein intake during weight loss helps preserve lean muscle mass. It also supports a higher metabolic rate.

Fiber-rich carbohydrates

Fiber-rich carbs give you the feeling of fullness. They also slow down the digestion process, providing balanced energy levels. Another important perk of these carbs is that they help regulate blood sugar levels. That prevents energy crashes and cravings.


Naturally, vegetables are a crucial part of any meal plan with the vitamins and minerals they provide. They give you a feeling of fullness and add volume to the meal without adding many calories.

Lunch suggestion

Chickpea salad wrap

  • ingredients: canned chickpeas, diced vegetables (like cucumbers, tomatoes, and bell peppers), feta cheese, whole-grain wrap.
  • serve with: a side of mixed greens.
  • explanation: this vegetarian option offers plant-based protein from chickpeas. You will get fiber from vegetables and healthy fats from feta cheese. The whole-grain wrap adds complex carbohydrates.


Balanced protein

Similar to lunch, dinner should include a balanced source of protein. It’s better to distribute them over a few meals than take all your daily needs at once.

Healthy fats

Including healthy fats enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. They also provide essential fatty acids that support hormone production.


A variety of vegetables should be included with dinner as well. 

Dinner suggestion

Baked salmon with quinoa and roasted asparagus:

  • ingredients: baked salmon filet, cooked quinoa, roasted asparagus spears.
  • serve with: a squeeze of lemon and a side salad.
  • explanation: this dinner includes balanced protein from salmon. The fiber-rich carbohydrates come from quinoa. The side salad and asparagus give you a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

This formula will work for almost every individual wanting to lean and maintain their desired weight. However, remember that everyone has their specific goals and body composition. Hence, the portion sizes and exact measurements will vary for each individual. Feel free to contact us if you need a personalized meal plan that will cater to your needs. We will adjust each portion to your needs and preferences.

In summary

Gaining back lost weight can be frustrating and happens for various reasons. It’s important to make long-lasting changes in our lifestyle to prevent weight regain. That includes eating balanced meals, staying active, and taking care of our emotions. 

By understanding and solving the causes, you can overcome the challenge of regaining lost weight. That is the foundation for staying on track for a healthier future.

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