Men’s Meal Plan: Weight Loss & Muscle Gain

Male health could well be improved in a variety of ways by reducing extra fat and achieving a healthier weight. When it comes to health issues such as high cholesterol, obesity, some malignancies, and liver problems, keeping a good muscle mass can help.

If you want to be an athlete, a sportsman, or a want to keep yourself fit enough to bear your tiring schedule, for all these workouts, nowadays there are many different meal plans available online. You can visit websites like that have the best customer reviews. Many individuals have maintained their health by following this website, so they don’t have to visit any fitness trainer or nutritionist.

To get the best meal plan for weight loss, certain steps need to be followed on a regular basis. It is not easy for men to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. It is a step-by-step process. The first one is to reduce weight and maintain it according to the body mass index (BMI). Then, the next step is to have an appropriate meal plan with proper exercise on a daily basis to gain muscle and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Jetfuelmeals can provide the best meal plan to balance your weight and gain muscle in a month.

To have the best meal plan for weight loss and muscle gain for men, one needs to stress the following points:

Best Meal Plan for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain For Men

1. The caloric deficit should be kept to a minimum

Caloric intake cannot be ignored or cheated. But it doesn’t imply you have to go as low as possible too, of course. If you’re trying to lose weight, set yourself up with a small calorie deficit—usually no more than 300 calories—using a calorie calculator to help. Aim for a weekly weight loss of 0.5-1.0 lbs. If you want your gains to last, go slowly!

2. You shouldn’t combine massive volumes of fat and carbs

fat and carbs

It’s a contentious topic in nutritional sciences, but there’s proof that mixing carbohydrates and fats in large numbers causes a hormone approach that makes your meals more likely to end up as obesity — and you’re more likely to desire the same combination as a drug later if you do. That is not to say you shouldn’t eat either micronutrient, but you shouldn’t eat both together in large quantities regularly for the same reasons. When combined with complex carbohydrates, a few grams of healthy fats are perfectly acceptable.

One butternut squash with half an avocado is about the maximum content of fat I suggest for every 50 grams of carbohydrates. The assumption here is that you consume an adequate quantity of protein throughout every session.

3. Aim to consume Citrus Fruits

Many people hear “manage your carbohydrates” and think, “Take out all fruit.” I’m not one of them! Since they are tangy, citrus fruits reduce insulin levels compared to most other fruits (except pineapple). Oranges and grapefruit include polyphenols, like naringin, that could aid with fat reduction by prolonging nicotine’s impact.

If you’re taking prescribed drugs and eating grapefruit, you should proceed cautiously, as grapefruit can have adverse reactions. Moderate fruit options include kiwi, mango, and strawberries.

4. Instead of cheating, refeed

Very usually, when carbs are low, you seem as if you’re desperate for food and your weight reduction is not catching up. So, a “refeed” is in need.

One particular high meal frequently doubles or triples something you’d normally consume in one session, is a “refeed.” As long as the meal is consumed at least two hours before bedtime,

Insulin levels will be elevated, preventing a metabolic delay. Many people believe that this is the secret to a healthy diet.

5. Take a protein-rich meal before actually going to bed

Don’t overcomplicate it. Eat 1-1.5 servings of cottage cheese (2 percent fat or even less) or a spoonful of lactose in a smoothie or protein mud-caked 45-1 hour ahead of going to bed.

Now, going to bed is indeed a lot more appealing. Protein at bedtime will help you build muscles as you sleep!

6. An organic diet, natural foods

Several persons, particularly males who desire to lose extra body fat, can profit from adopting a whole food, organic diet. They are not identical to the vegan diets that do not include any meat products whatsoever.

There is a limited quantity of animal products in organic and natural diets (like cheese), but the majority of the meals are made up of whole plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, and legumes. A healthy diet could also allow men to lower their risk of recurrent diseases, such as some malignancies, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, as well as mental disorders.

7. Salmon, Tuna, and Tilapia

Meal Plan for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain For Men

In addition to reducing the inflammatory response, the polyunsaturated fats included in salmon make it one of the greatest meals for weight loss. How? Cortisol levels are reduced by eating fish (a stress hormone that can lead to increased fat storage). It’s beneficial for your cardiovascular as well as your muscles.

8. Beans and legumes

It’s easy to add nutrition to your diet by eating chickpeas, soybeans, and kidney beans. It is also crucial to note that Edamame includes folate, which is essential for muscular strength.

These beans are legumes that are best available at They can deliver them to you in the timeframe of few minutes. It’s no secret that legumes such as black or kidney beans are rich in iron and magnesium (which aids in protein building)

9. Carrots Brown:

Even though brown rice contains a little amount of protein, it is mostly a source of starch. Brown rice is recognized to be quite as effective as whey whenever it comes to developing muscle, plus it is gluten-free.

10. Nuts include almonds and pecans

In addition to the calories, nuts include phosphate, which aids the system in building protein and using carbohydrates for fuel. It is also present in nuts, which are a good source of minerals. This nutrient regulates protein synthesis and muscle strength.

11. Grilled foods:

It is well-known that some vitamins, such as vitamin B6, can help you maintain your energy when exercising. To build muscular strength, lean meats such as beef, turkey, and chicken are believed to be necessary. As a result, vitamins are quite helpful.

12. “It is called the MIND diet”.

The MIND diet emphasizes brain-healthy foods, such as berries, olive oil, almonds, beans, veggies, and fish, as well as other brain-healthy foods. In addition, sweets and fried meals are discouraged.

In addition to reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, the MIND diet may also allow men to burn calories.

Items like berries and leafy vegetables are high in fiber, good fats, and moderate nutrients. In addition, it stimulates the consumption of olive oil, which has been linked to good bodyweight loss and maintenance.


Balanced, consistent diets are available for men who desire to follow the best meal plan for weight loss. Get proper instructions from some verified and trustworthy websites for your meal plan like that can provide proper guidance for gaining muscle and losing weight in a limited time.

A restricted, moderate plan that guarantees fast weight reduction may be tempting, but it’s crucial to pick one which nourishes your system, isn’t excessively restricted, and can also be managed over the long term.

A trained nutritionist could be able to help you choose the optimal diet for your particular needs.

7 Day Weight Loss Meal Plan

The GM Diet plan, often known as the General Motors diet, is a seven-day weight-loss meal plan created by General Motors Corporation with the noble goal of keeping its employees healthy.

 The GM diet chart was the result of a collaboration between GM, the FDA, and the USDA, and it was also tested at the John Hopkins Research Center before being approved.

A 7-day weight loss meal plan is important to follow with a proper schedule. And for that, it is necessary to have a trainer.

And nowadays there are a lot of websites available online just like These websites can help you to follow a proper routine with the best meal plans. Many athletes have followed to control quickly growing weight and they have been successful without any doubt.

Benefits of the weight-loss meal plan:

7 Day Weight Loss Meal Plan

The following are some of the advantages of the GM 7 day weight-loss meal plan:

  • Sugar avoidance: Apart from fructose, there is virtually little exposure to any other type of sugar.
  • Detoxification: The body eliminates extra toxins and flushes out waste as a result of drinking plenty of water and eating nutritious foods while avoiding junk food.
  • Skin that glows: Detoxification promotes the health of your skin and gives it a healthy glow.
  • Improved eating habits: This diet promotes the consumption of low-calorie, high-fiber fruits, and vegetables, as well as the practice of avoiding junk food. The GM weight-loss diet plan likewise restricts daily calorie intake to around 1000-1200. This reduces the buildup of fat in the body, keeps the stomach full for longer periods, and so prevents overeating.
  • Faster metabolism: eating habits and a higher water intake help the body’s metabolism. A higher metabolic rate results in a higher number of calories burned, which leads to weight loss. ‍Improves
  • Better Digestion: The fiber-rich diet ingested throughout the 7-day program aids with bowel movement.

You can find all these different benefits along with their real-time results online on a website like Different athletes have shared their real-life stories that how different weight loss meal plans of Jetfuelmeals have helped them to remain fit over the years.

7-day weight loss meal plan:

With adequate water intake and following this GM diet plan for 7 days exactly as given below, you will see significant weight loss in just a week.

GM diet plan

1st day:

  • One bowl of watermelon/kiwi or an apple/pomegranate for breakfast
  •  One papaya or muskmelon bowl Snack in the evening: one glass of coconut water for lunch
  • And for dinner take one guava/orange or a bowl of berries (strawberries, litchi)
  • A Snack for bedtime can be one bowl of watermelon or grapes

Note: Avoid using any form of cream, honey, or sugar to dress your fruit bowl.

2nd day

  • For breakfast 1 large or 2 tiny potatoes/corn kernels or green peas in a bowl
  • One huge dish of cabbage soup for lunch
  • Snack in the evening: 2-3 medium-sized cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cup broccoli (for dinner)
  • Snacks for bedtime: one bowl of cucumbers/carrots
  • Preparation: You can eat your vegetables fresh or cooked. Seasoned with pepper, rock salt, vinegar, or herbs and boiled or cooked in 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Cabbage soup is made by boiling a cabbage, a small carrot, and 2-3 tomatoes in about half a liter of water, then adding a handful of chopped onions that have been lightly sautéed in olive oil and seasoned with rock salt, herbs, and peppers.

Note: Avoid sugar and starchy vegetables.

3rd day:

  • One bowl of watermelon, an apple, or roughly half a pineapple for breakfast
  • One huge dish of cabbage soup for lunch
  • Snack in the evening: 2-3 medium-sized cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cup broccoli (for dinner)
  • Snacks for bedtime: one bowl of cucumbers/carrots
  • Note: Avoid bananas, mangoes, and potatoes, as well as maize and peas.

‍4th day

  • Two huge bananas and a glass of skimmed milk for breakfast (750 ml)
  • Two huge bananas and a glass of skimmed milk for lunch
  • Snack in the evening: a bowl of cabbage soup.
  • Two huge bananas and a glass of skimmed milk for dinner
  • Note: Snacks for bedtime: None
  • Substitutes: cow’s milk and figs can be used.

5th day

  • Three entire tomatoes for breakfast
  • Lunch: 250 g of your choice of meat with one big tomato
  • Snack in the Evening:
  • Dinner consists of a bowl of tomato soup.
  • Snacks for bedtime: None

Beef, chicken, eggs, or fish can all be used as substitutes. Cottage cheese, tofu, and brown rice can be used as meat substitutes for vegetarians.

6th day

  • One bowl of Brussels sprouts or cucumber for breakfast
  • For lunch 250 gm. of your choice of meat or a vegetarian substitution
  • Snack in the Evening: nothing
  • Dinner consists of a bowl of cabbage soup.
  • Snacks for bedtime: None

7th day

  • A huge serving of watermelon for breakfast Brown rice with cottage cheese and a glass of fruit juice for lunch
  • Snack in the Evening:
  • Dinner: Brown rice with your choice of mixed veggies and one or two glasses of fruit juice
  • Snacks for bedtime: None

Note: Don’t sweeten the fruit juice with sugar.

The trick is to limit your daily calorie intake to a fixed amount while still allowing yourself to explore different food items on your plate.

Foods to add to your 7-day weight-loss meal plan:

In addition to the GM diet chart above, alternate days diet includes the following foods but in small amounts:

A handful of nuts, black tea green, and tea sprouts (prefer cashews, almonds, and walnuts and avoid ground nuts or raisins)

Black coffee and unsweetened tea are also great options.

Foods to refrain from in this weight-loss meal plan:

However, there are a few foods you should avoid at all costs throughout this regimen. For starters, while following the GM diet plan for weight loss, any other type of beverage, whether diet soda, alcohol, or any other cold drink, is prohibited.

One can get a clear idea of the restricted foods by visiting This website has all the resources and reviews that one needs for weight loss motivation. All kinds of junk food, white flour, and all kinds of pre-packaged goods shouldn’t be used.


As they say, there are two sides to everything, and the GM eating plan is no exception. Because it is a short-term weight-loss program, it is common to find that once a person abandons the diet plan, he overeats and reverts to his previous body shape.

Another minor risk with sticking to a GM diet plan for weight loss is that some people have mild sensitivities to a rapid change in diet. Muscle weakness, weariness, headaches, and dehydration are examples of these effects.

This 7-day weight-loss meal plan is a quick fix to your weight-loss problems and if you are looking to shed a few pounds this year then this is a good meal plan to follow.

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