Benefits of keto-ready meals

With the busy schedule, modern lifestyle, and all the things that you need to do throughout the day, you might not have time to cook and prepare your meals. Whatever diet preferences you have, and especially with the keto diet plan, it is usually easier to buy ready meals or to get them delivered.

Ready meals and delivery services are here to stay even though some people are not big fans of those. Last ten years, especially the last three, these services have been growing, improving, and evolving. The chances to find something that fits your requirements and lifestyle are big.

In this text, we will talk about some things that can help you find your meals, places to buy them, and their benefits.

Tips and tricks for finding your meals

It doesn`t matter what is your favorite supermarket, you will not have problems finding at least a few ready-to-eat keto food. The trick is to know where and what to look for. This is easy once you find out where are keto-friendly prepared foods in your local market. You will be in and out of the door fast. Even if you are on the road, you can find your food in some small local grocery stores or common supermarkets. 

Check the hot food bar for low-carb meals. Supermarket often has a food bar that is buffet style or where you can find pre-packed hot meals. Find dishes with meat and vegetables. Soups are a good choice, too.  Avoid things with rice or noodles. 

Look for prepared deli meals. Get cold meals like tuna, chicken, or egg salad at the deli counter. They are generally high-protein, low-carb meals that will go well with your keto diet. Be sure to check the labels, and verify that there is no sugar or starch before you buy them. If you only find these things prepared in a sandwich form, you can ask one of the employees to fill the container with the same ingredients but without bread. You can buy green veggies salad in a bag, just not caesar salad or salad with croutons.

Buy a meat and cheese platter for a fast and easy protein-heavy meal. Search the cheese and meat section for ready meals or cheese combos. Cold-cut meats and almost all types of cheeses are safe choices for your keto diet plan. They are low-carb and high-protein. You can even ask supermarket employees to cut your favorite types of meat and cheese and put them in a container for you.

Buy a whole roasted chicken at a hot meal section. When you do that, you will have a high-protein meal right away. You can even store leftovers in the fridge and have a meal for the next day, or even two. Even bones and scraps can be used to make chicken broth which is great for the keto diet. You should avoid fried chicken because it has a coat high in carbs.

They are nutrient-rich and healthy. Supermarkets have washed pre-cut and ready-to-eat vegetables. You can get a platter with keto-friendly dips like ranch or blue cheese. Vegetables like green beans or green peas are off-limits on the keto diet because they have lots of carbs.

Search for berries. Mixes with raspberries or blackberries are good if you need something sweet. They make a great addition to your breakfast or you can use them as snacks when you need something fresh, sweet, and juicy. Remember that fruit salads with sugary fruits are not keto-friendly.

Purchase cottage cheese or greek yogurt. Mix them with berries or vegetables even. You will get a delicious breakfast full of proteins and vitamins.

Get a bag of low-carb nuts or seeds. Healthy nuts that go well with keto are walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, almonds, and Brazilian nuts. The seed for your keto diet is chia, hemp, pumpkin seed, and flax. Avoid peanuts, pistachios, or cashews.

If there is no strict keto section in the supermarket, be sure to check the labels on every package before you buy it. 

Where can you get your keto-ready meals?

This might be one of your biggest concerns, but keto-ready meals are easy to find. Supermarkets, local grocery stores, and even farmer markets can be places to look. On the other hand, there are lots of delivery services to help you get your ready, healthy, and delicious meals.

Where ever you are check for the `healthy food section`, try to find fresh ingredients, or check labels and you will not make mistakes. Supermarkets even offer delivery, you can order, pay and pick up your order, or just go in and shop. A lot of restaurants have orders to go, so you can easily get your food from a nearby place. Some places to buy or order food:

Wallmart. This is a store that almost every neighborhood has and there is a keto section with over five hundred different products. Some are keto-friendly snacks, some are whole dishes that you can choose from.

Whole foods. They can offer you fresh ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes that are good for your keto diet.

Target. This store has a healthy food section, order and pick up, schedule a delivery date, or same-day delivery.

These are some of the places, of course, but, as previously mentioned, there are some tricks and tips to find your keto-friendly meal everywhere. 

The benefits of keto-ready meals

When you are a beginner, it can seem scary to start a new diet plan. That is a natural feeling and before you know it, it will pass. Ready meals are a great help when you start. They can give you ideas for later, or you can just decide that they are better for you through your whole journey. These meals can save you a lot of time.

There are many benefits of prepped and ready meals, especially when we talk about the keto diet because sometimes it might be hard to know what food is keto friendly. Some of those benefits are:

  • This helps you have ready meals for the whole week, on time and in an efficient manner.
  • It allows you to have different variations of food, but not excluding health benefits as some other diets do.
  • It is proven that for many people keto diet supports fat and weight loss, and improves heart health, acne, and other metabolical improvements. In other words, you want to be prepared when you follow this meal plan, and ready meals are your friend.

Luckily, there are a lot of different places where you can choose your ready or half-ready meals with easy recipes. There are meal planning services and usually, you can find two main types. You can get pre-cooked meals that you can store in the fridge. So, all you have to do there is putting them in the microwave and they are ready. The other type is getting pre-measured, pre-packed, and raw ingredients. Of course, with easy-to-follow recipes, that everyone can make.

Easy recipes

Like we said before, you can get uncooked meals with pre-measured ingredients. These meals come with a guide so you can easily navigate your way in the kitchen. Recipes even have pictures, so you will know how everything should look as you cook it. Making them requires basic cooking techniques, which is a good thing for someone who doesn`t know how to cook. Most of the meals will be done in 30 minutes, and not longer than one hour.

Variety of dishes

Another good thing is that you can choose a lot of different kinds of dishes. In another word, you will not get one recipe or dish two days in a row. You can customize your keto food in any way you want to. Because there are a lot of places to buy or order food you can easily choose what you like.

Practical and convenient 

You won`t be preparing your meals or doing groceries. If you don`t like doing these or you just don`t have time for squeezing cooking into your schedule. You no longer have to go out all the time to get quality, keto-friendly food. No sacrificing your precious time just to get a meal.

Ready and measured portions

These keto-ready meals have strict measurements and exact portions of ingredients. Every meal you get has the right amount of carts, fats, and proteins based on a ketogenic diet. That said, there is no need to worry if you are getting the right amount of nutrients per day. Everything is calculated because the brand`s nutritionist has examined each package.

Time saver

Ready meals are perfect if you have a lot of responsibilities and you don`t have to make food. You will save a lot of time by not having to look up new recipes on your own. It is great when you know exactly where to find everything you need. The microwave will heat everything for you and you can eat your food in a few minutes. Even with half-ready meals, everything is chopped, you can put it in a pan for a short time, and it is ready.

You will save time by not needing to clean the kitchen. Measuring and chopping can cause a lot of mess. No more arguing about who is going to clean up and you will spend more time enjoying your food and less time in the kitchen making it.

Saving money on groceries 

We mentioned that it saves time, but, you can also save money when buying or ordering keto-ready meals. When you do groceries every week or month, that can come with extra costs, such as travel costs. That requires time, too, that you can spend on doing things you like, or just working because time is money. Meal delivery services and other places where you can buy ready meals and get groceries for much lower prices. That is why they can offer you quality food products for a lower cost. Also, you can find different coupons that can help you plan and save money ordering your meals.

Adapted diet plan

The important part of following a keto meal plan is that you find the one that is right for you. With ready meals, you can find the eating plan you want. Because of the variety of places and dishes you can buy, it is easier to find the right option for you. There is no need to get frustrated because you can switch as many as you want to find the one that works for you. You can easily meet your requirements this way.

The final word

People are learning that high-fat, low-carb diets are good ways to lose weight and they are beneficial for their health. That is why the keto diet is gaining popularity. Ready meals are a good thing for you if you are starting a new diet. They can benefit you in many ways if you don`t have much information. 

Once you start and see how everything works you can learn some recipes. Then you can decide if you want to make your meals or continue getting ready dishes. Just choose the delivery service, or buy ready meals at stores. Also, be sure that whichever way you choose, make sure that it is accommodating your needs.

How to start a keto meal plan

You surely heard of keto. How to start or how to plan your meals with keto are probably your first questions. We will try to get you a little bit closer and familiar with the `how to do keto meal plan`.

This diet has the goal to remove carbs from your daily intake. In clarification, you should have around thirty grams of carbs per day. Firstly, the food that you should include is meat, nuts, eggs, cheese, avocados, oils, cream, and oily fish. Secondly, fat sources are high in calories, which is why you should eat low-carb vegetables. In addition, getting enough salt and taking electrolytes can help you, too.

The important part is to plan your meals and always carry a snack with you because low-carb food is sometimes challenging to find.

What is the keto meal plan?

The Keto diet can have many benefits for your health. Some of them are fat and weight loss. In this diet, most of the calories that you eat per day, come from fats, less from proteins. When we follow it, our body can`t count on carbohydrates for energy, and it must use fat instead. This will build up acids, called ketones and our body will enter ketosis. Ketosis is a natural state of your metabolism that will force your body to burn fat instead of carbs.

There are several types and variations of keto diet plans. The standard type requires you to get about seventy or eighty percent of total calories from fat. Only twenty percent from protein, and five percent from carbs. This can be difficult to follow, which is why a meal plan is essential.

Some food, of course, has more carbs than others, the key is to know what to avoid. That way your weight loss and other benefits can come faster. The Keto diet is restrictive and you have to stay in ketosis. We have to recommend you work with a professional so you can be sure that a keto is a safe option for you. No diet is suitable for everyone. In other words, this depends on your genes, body type, taste buds, personal preferences, metabolism, and age, you need to be sure that it is right for you.

Which type of keto is suitable for you?

To decide which type of keto to follow you need to think about your goal. Do you want to lose body weight? Are you looking for more energy? Is the reason for starting it health benefits, lower blood sugar, and blood pressure?

Approach your meal planning depending on your individual goals. There are some common keto types to help you accomplish what you wish.

Overall health benefits and weight loss – Standard keto diet

This diet is the usual way of doing keto, it is a recommended method for beginners. If you decide to follow the standard keto diet, you are probably trying to lose weight and fat. You may be also trying to improve symptoms of depression and mental health, cholesterol levels, or just your health in general.

Rules for this diet plan are to limit your carbs to 20-50 grams per day, consume high amounts of fat, moderate amounts of protein, and low amounts of carbs to induce ketosis.

Diet plan to improve workout performance – Targeted keto diet

This diet plan is good for preserving exercise performance. It is best for athletes or people who have high activity levels. A targeted keto diet allows glycogen resynthesis without getting out of ketosis for a long period. 

The rules of following this diet plan are to consume 25-50 grams of carbs daily especially 30 minutes before exercising. Also, consume high amounts of fat and moderate amounts of protein. 

For athletes or bodybuilders – The cyclical keto diet

This diet plan requires you to make some changes in a strict diet and high-carb intake. A week on this meal plan involves eating 20-50 grams of carbs for five days and then eating high-carb meals for two days. That is to say, athletes with scheduled training will probably find this diet plan easy to follow.

The rules for this diet plan are to follow strict keto for 5 days and then eat more carbs for 2 days(100 grams of carbs per day). 

For people who need more protein – A high-protein keto diet

If you lift weights three or four times a week, your body requires more protein. That is why you can benefit from this keto meal plan. The standard keto diet limits protein to 20 percent of all calories, but this diet allows 35 percent of calories from protein.

Rules, when you follow this diet plan, are to eat 35 percent of calories from protein, 60 percent of calories from fat, 5 percent from net carbs, and to calculate macronutrients. You will eat a lot of healthy protein and fats and keep carbs at a minimum. 

These are some types of keto meal plans, be sure to consult with a doctor before you start yours. In the same vein, be sure to choose a diet plan depending on your activity level, body type, age, and goal that you want to achieve.

Things to know before you try a keto meal plan

If you are a beginner, cooking and planning meals can sound difficult. An easier way would be to find a delivery service. That can help a lot and make you feel less stressed.

Tips and tricks to help you in the beginning:

  • You need to understand the type of foods that you can and can`t eat on a keto diet meal plan
  • Make sure that you are keeping track of the protein that you take in
  • Add coconut oil or butter to your coffee to help you feel fuller for a longer time
  • Let your family members know about your meals and goals
  • Keep in mind that there are some side effects when you start a diet plan for weight loss
  • Take electrolytes to help you avoid side effects and help your body function well
  • If keto is not for you, acknowledge that and find some other meal plan that suits
  • Keep track of your progress and be focused and persistent 

What can you eat?

The Keto diet plan consists of:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Butter
  • Green vegetables
  • Heavy cream
  • Cheese 
  • Nuts
  • Avocados
  • Seeds
  • Oils 

What can`t you eat?

  • Carb-heavy foods
  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Grains
  • Sweets
  • Potatoes
  • Fruits 
  • Cereals

‍How to stick to your keto diet meal plan

When we make changes in our lifestyle, especially if we make changes in our daily diet we can meet some difficulties. Here are some tips to help you stick with your meal plan:

  • Set a day when you will start
  • Organize your fridge or pantry so they only contain food allowed on the keto plan
  • Make meals ahead and refrigerate or freeze them
  • Be sure to always have keto-friendly food and beverages close
  • Check labels and ingredients list carefully
  • Make a meal plan for every week so you can have balanced meals and prevent hunger
  • If you are hungry often, instead of eating 3 large meals, try to eat 5 or 6 small ones
  • You might consider reducing exercising in the beginning so your body can adjust to the changes
  • Find a friend who wants to do the same so you can have a partner, it is always easier to have someone who knows what you are going through

Be sure that you are meeting your calorie needs. You need to take less that is true but make sure that your body has enough for normal functioning. 


Most of your meals should be based on high-fat meals followed by low-carb veggies, fish, or eggs. If you find your diet meal plan hard to stick to, hopefully, our tips will help you.  But, keep in mind that we are also here for any questions you might have. Be patient and this meal plan will provide amazing results.

Planning your meals is a key to success. As a result, you will always know what to eat. Therefore, this diet plan will help you lose weight, reduce health problems, have more energy, and feel good altogether.

What Keto Diet Meal Plan Should You Choose?

The words that we hear a lot are a ketogenic diet meal plan. You should consider it if want to reach fitness and health goals is usually a follow-up sentence. But, what ketogenic diet meal plan should you choose? If you are not sure, this text may help you decide.

The basis of the ketogenic diet is that it gets your body into ketosis. That is a condition where your body uses fat, not carbohydrates as its source of fuel. If you follow the diet plan, your body can go into ketosis in a day or three. When you are on a diet, most calories you burn come from fat. Fat is very low in carbohydrates and low in protein, so ketosis also occurs when you eat low-calorie food. 

Always consult with a professional before you start any new diet, but you can consider a recommended diet with a daily calorie intake of six to eight hundred calories.

Reasons for using a keto diet (good and bad sides)

If you are a beginner before you dive in, you need to know the potential benefits and risks. Different studies support the ketogenic diet meal plan. Reasons for using it might be –  treatment for epilepsy or type 2 diabetes, and support for weight loss. 


For treating epilepsy, this diet has shown good results, especially with kids. The ketogenic diet meal plan can decrease the number of seizures, and ten to fifteen percent of kids who used this diet became seizure-free. It helped seven percent of adults who used this diet to stop having seizures when it is used for a long time. Patients may also reduce the dose of the medication. The thing that concerns doctors and patients is that it can be difficult for some people to follow it.


There are studies about diabetes that show how a ketogenic diet can improve glucose balance and blood sugar levels in two to three months. This also helps lowering down drug use, which is good news. Of course, for diabetics eating a lot of fat can be concerning. Fat can be unhealthy if we overeat. If you are in this group, talk to your dietitian, maybe they will recommend another diet for weight loss, such as a low-calorie diet, which might be more suitable for you.

Weight loss

When we talk about weight loss, this diet can have a great impact quickly. It can even happen in the first week. It is because your body will run out of all glycogen storage. When that happens, the weight of water becomes reduced. It looks good to see the scale dropping, but keep in mind that a loss of water comes first. The bad thing can be that for some people is short-term, and it can cause a lack of nutrition, and some health risks because you eat more saturated fat.

Benefits and risks are different for every individual. They depend on many factors, such as starting weight, general health, preconditions, activity level, and age.

Things to know about ketosis

As previously mentioned, the goal of the ketogenic diet is to get your body into ketosis. When you increase the frequency or intensity of your activities, you will lose fat and weight, but that is not the only way. Through ketosis, you can also burn fat faster, because it will help you use it for fuel. Understanding how ketosis work and what it is can help you reach your goal faster. But, before that, you need to be aware of the benefits and risks.

Food is our primary source of energy, nutrients such as fat, protein, and carbohydrates supply our body. After eating, our body breaks down carbs from foods, and then fat and protein. Ketosis happens when your body doesn`t have enough carbs or glucose, so instead burns fat. 

Your body enters ketosis when your carbs intake is low. When the body breaks down fat, it produces an acid called ketones, or ketone bodies. So, that becomes your brain`s and body`s main source of energy.

Getting and staying in ketosis isn`t easy. You have to eat no more than 20 to 50g of carbs daily to get and stay there. Food that you eat during this diet has to be picked carefully so it will not get you out of ketosis. You will need protein but you need to limit them to about 20 percent of your total daily intake. This is important because if you eat more than you need, your body will change it into carbs through gluconeogenesis. It pushes you out of ketosis.

How do you know that you are in ketosis?

One way to know is by checking your ketone level. This metabolic state usually takes one to three days to achieve when you restrict your carbs intake. If you want to measure your ketones, there is no need to visit a doctor. Just pick up a ketone urine test from the drug store, or use a blood sugar meter that has that option. A normal level of ketones is 0,6 milimoles per liter. When that number is higher, it means that you are in a state of ketosis.

There are symptoms that you might face during the diet. They are called `keto-flu`. Some of them should disappear after a few weeks. And they are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased energy after a few weeks
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Fruity-smelling breath

Different types of the ketogenic diet

There are different types of the keto diet. These are the most popular ones:

  • The standard ketogenic diet – SKD
  • The cyclical ketogenic diet – CKD
  • The targeted ketogenic diet – TKD

Standard ketogenic diet 

As described before, SKD is a high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carb diet. It gives results in weight loss and that is why is popular in low-carb diets. Other reasons why people chose this diet are because it is easier to follow and:

  • You eat until you are full, with no need for counting calories
  • Eat the same food every day or similar, but macronutrients will stay the same
  • Three meals per day and there is no set time for meals

Drawbacks that you can face are:

  • There is an adjustment period when you switch to a keto diet because your body is used to working on glucose
  • Some dieters experience dehydration, keto flu, and fatigue, but that goes away after 1-2 weeks.

Cyclical ketogenic diet

This diet is an SKD but you can eat clean carbs, one or two days a week. This will create a carb cycle and it will help you with performance in a workout. CKD is a diet that can help athletes who exercise regularly. Eating carbs may improve the body`s ability to add new muscle, especially after workouts.

Drawbacks that might happen:

  • The main concern is that you will not be in ketosis on the days when you eat carbs. Clean carbs or not, your body still needs to be on a low-carb intake before it changes its fuel.
  • It is important to know that you need to exercise enough, so it won`t take longer than one day to get back into ketosis.
  • If you aren`t careful, this diet may help you with performance but, it might not technically be a ketogenic diet.

Targeted ketogenic diet

This keto diet is a standard keto, too, but you pay attention to the time to eat your calories. You eat five to ten percent of your daily carbs to help you stay in ketosis. But you do that before and after exercising. It will also help you improve performance and may boost energy recovery.

Potential drawbacks that you can face:

  • It would help if you were diligent to stay in ketosis; it can greatly impact your training, but you will not get into ketosis right after your workout.
  • Paying attention to the foods that are forbidden. If you eat carbs before and after exercising, you can`t eat fruit or higher-carb nuts for the rest of that day.
  • It might be difficult to stick to this diet because requires a certain level of discipline.

The final word

In this text, you could read about different types of ketogenic diets and their good and bad sides. It is different for everyone, and the best way to choose the right one is to consult a nutritionist.

You also need to figure out what plan would go well with your goals, activities, or daily schedule. There are lots of benefits, improving your health, weight loss, lower blood pressure, and others. If you follow the diet plan you choose, the results will follow, too.

Why Choose Keto Meal Plan Delivery Services

Maintaining a keto diet regime is no easy feat. We are lucky to live in a time when modern technology showing us many ways to make our lives easier. One thing that helps us on an everyday basis, especially if we have a busy schedule, is keto meal plan delivery.

If you don`t have time to prepare your food, one of your concerns must be how to find a healthy meal. Meal delivery is a great help if you are on a keto diet even more because everything has its portion, the right amount of calories, fats, and proteins. You don`t have to worry about this, and also, you can try special meals every day, and don`t need to stress about gathering ingredients or going shopping.

The keto diet requires time for meal prepping and cooking. Delivery services can help you relax because you can get ketogenic meals that meet your nutritional needs. 

Why should you choose keto meal plan delivery?

The Keto diet has been introduced to us and it has been there for a long time. A lot of people are using it to increase their energy level, lose weight or have a smaller waistline. This diet is limiting carbs to 50g per day. Carbs are present in many different foods so navigating keto can be tricky. If you don`t want to plan every day, you can hire a delivery service to do that for you.

Meal delivery services personalize your meals to make them right for you. They provide meals that contain 70-80 percent of fat, 15-25 percent of protein, and 5 percent of carbs. Also, you can let them know about your preference so you can find the best meal plan for you.

Instead of frozen food, you will get fresh meals. There are organic ingredients and fresh vegetables. Meat with no hormones, seafood from the best market, and vegetables from trusted farmers. Companies usually make their sauces.

Companies will provide you with safe access to different nutritious meals handmade by professional chefs. In short, they will give you fresh dishes without sugar, coloring, or other artificial ingredients.

Keto can be easy with delivered meals

If you considered starting a keto diet, you might be concerned about how easy it will be for you to stick to it. If you tried it before and had trouble following it, getting meals delivery is just the right thing for you.

With a keto meal delivery service, you will not worry about any details. You will get all your dishes premade and delivered to your door. This is good news for beginners. The stress about what food is allowed or not will be reduced.

When you start a keto diet, you need to know that you are cutting enough carbs, so your body can go into ketosis. You will need to count macros, fat, protein, and carbs. While you learn about them delivery service will count everything for you and all your meals will be pre-portioned. 

Reasons to invest in keto meal plan delivery

There are many benefits of investing in a keto meal plan delivery, so let`s take a look:

You will be sure that you are following your diet

When the meals are delivered and ready to eat, you will need a little time or thinking to have them during the day. This is an advantage for those with a busy schedule. You will not have to pull away from your job to think about lunch or dinner. There is no need to stress even more after an already stressful day.

Most keto deliveries will provide meals that require only a little preparation. You may only need to heat them and that is all. In return, you will have everything to stay on your diet. It is much easier that way and it saves you a lot of effort.


Pre-portioned dishes

As we said, you can choose many different dishes, and not just that. A great thing about getting a pre-made meal is that all the ingredients and measurements are strictly done. You don`t have to worry about following your ketogenic diet. Most importantly, by eating every meal, you will have the right amount of carbs, protein, and fats based on your keto diet and needs.

Different meals every day

You can choose from many different recipes. That said, it is great that someone else will make them for you. Also, you can customize your meal plan as you want. You can easily try something that you always wanted. 

Convenience is higher

Keto meal delivery is very convenient. You will not leave your house to grab your meals. It will save you time and money. More time for your other activities, less time spent on grocery shopping, looking for recipes, or cleaning the kitchen. You will save money on groceries and gas. You will help the environment, too, by leaving a smaller carbon footprint.

Less food waste

Nowadays, food waste is a big problem. We buy a lot of food that we don`t need. Products, especially fresh ones go bad before we use them. With premade meals, this problem becomes less. You will get exactly what you need. You will know what are your daily or weekly needs and you will purchase that. As a result, this will prevent a lot of leftovers or expired dates from becoming garbage. 

No cooking or prepping

If you are not much of a chef or a bit unsure in the kitchen, or even you don`t like that at all, this is good news for you. As we said before, you will most likely just heat your meal and it is ready to eat.

Other food will not tempt you

Temptation is the hardest part of any diet plan. These pre-made meals will be ready to eat before you go to gatherings. Those are usually places where we have a lot of tasty food around us, but those are usually not keto-friendly. You can eat before or get your meal with you. You will less likely to consume other food that can ruin your diet.

Who should get keto meal plan delivery service and which to choose

Cooking can be very healthy, cheap, and fun. However, there is more to it than just following the recipe. You need preparation, collect ingredients, and shop. Delivery services can help you skip those steps, or, if needed, help you with the cooking process.

Delivery services are for people who don`t have time to cook and who depend on takeout food. Therefore, that food is usually not very healthy. So, not keto-friendly.

Some companies offer ready-to-eat meals, and some offer ready-to-use ingredients. In other words, depending on your preferences, you should choose the type that meets your needs. Some of them offer subscriptions. You can decide when, how often, nutrition values, and other important parts. 

Keto meal delivery services are a great solution for anyone who wants to eat healthily, but can`t follow this meal plan by themselves. 

There are some delivery services that you chose from:

  • Jet fuel meals 
  • Factor 
  • Fresh N Lean
  • CookUnity
  • Green Chef
  • Snap Kitchen
  • The Good Kitchen
  • Trifecta
  • Diet-To-Go

Delivery services will offer you the exact portions that you need and that is one of the best things about getting your food to your door. That part can be the most difficult one if you are preparing food by yourself. 


Keto meal delivery services are convenient, practical and a great choice for busy schedules. They provide the right portion sizes and there is no waste of food. They take care of all problems with home cooking. You can focus on enjoying food and your time. You can be sure that you are following your keto diet meal plan. 

Choosing the right company will provide you with fresh ingredients, no more take-out food, only healthy, keto meals. You will eat healthily, be more productive, and not worry or stress about your meals anymore.

What is a keto-diet plan?

What is a keto plan? The ketogenic diet, or simply `keto` is a diet that requires you to eat high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carbohydrate foods. But does it make a difference? You can discover information below to help you decide whether to attempt the ketogenic diet.

This diet plan may be the best option for you if you want to:

  • make changes in your lifestyle
  • simplify your life
  • try something that will boost your health and help you lose weight
  • benefit you in many other ways

For many people, carbs like pasta, bread, or potatoes take up more than 50% of their daily diet. Our bodies break down sugars found in carbs to fuel us with energy. In the keto diet plan, the goal is to change the glucose calories with fat. In a typical keto diet, your nutrition centers around fatty foods. They’ll make up from 60% to 80% of your daily calories. Proteins take up 15% to 20%. Carbs are down to no more than 50 grams. 

Following the low-carb keto diet will likely lead to weight loss within the first 3 to 6 months. The keto diet calls for big changes in your daily diet, so the best first step is to ask your doctor or a nutritionist if it’s right for you.

Ketosis as a result of keto-diet

The keto diet works by changing the way your body uses energy. The body converts sugar into glycogen for energy. But on the keto diet, carbs are reduced, and as a result, the body can enter a metabolic state called ketosis – where you burn fat for energy instead.

Meal plans that help reach ketosis are highly beneficial for weight loss, one of the reasons is their appetite-suppressing effects. Of course, we have to have in mind that achieving a state of ketosis can take work and planning. It is not enough just to cut carbs. 

Some things can help you to reach ketosis faster. Firstly, you must reduce your body’s glycogen daily intake. The keto diet will help you do that by reducing carbohydrates to less than 50 grams a day.  After about two days to a week of keeping the carbs level low, your body should start burning fat reserves for energy. But this can be different from person to person and it can take a little bit longer. 

Two or three days of fasting can trigger ketosis, too. Exercising and physical activity are great ways to start spending glycogen reserves faster. Using coconut oil also helps because it provides your body with medium-chain triglycerides which are quickly absorbed and converted into ketones. 


Foods to eat

While following the keto diet the majority of your meals should be around these foods:

Meat –  ham, chicken, sausage, turkey, and red meat.

Fish – trout, tuna, salmon, and mackerel

Eggs – omega-3 whole eggs or pastured 

Heavy cream and butter 

Cheese – unprocessed cheeses like  blue, goat, cheddar, cream, or mozzarella

Seeds and nuts  – almonds,  flaxseeds, walnuts,  chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Healthy oils –  avocado oil or extra virgin olive oil 

Avocados – whole avocados or made guacamole

Low-carb vegetables –  tomatoes, green vegetables,  onions, peppers, etc.

Condiments – pepper, salt, herbs, and spices

It’s best to use mostly whole, single-ingredient foods in your diet. If you prepare a plan for the whole week or even a month, it can help you a lot and it will make your daily routine easier.

Foods to avoid

Any high-carb food needs to be limited. Here are some foods that need to be avoided on a ketogenic diet:

Sugary foods – fruit juice, soda, smoothies, cake,  candy, ice cream, etc.

Grains – wheat-based products, pasta, rice, cereal, etc.

Fruit – almost all fruit, except small portions of berries 

Beans – peas,  lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, etc.

Root vegetables – parsnips, sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, etc.

Diet products – salad dressings, low-fat mayonnaise, and some condiments ( honey mustard,  barbecue sauce, teriyaki sauce, ketchup, etc.)

Unhealthy fats like processed vegetable oils

Alcohol – wine, liquor, mixed drinks, beer

Sugar-free diet foods – syrups, puddings, sugar-free candies sweeteners, desserts, etc.

Avoiding these foods and eating a low-carb diet is the most important factor in achieving ketosis. Achieving ketosis is important because that is the state in which your body uses fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.

Example of a 7-day keto-meal plan

The following menu has less than 50 grams of carbs per day.  As previously mentioned, some people may have to reduce carbs even more to reach ketosis.

This is just an example of the 7-day menu, which can be changed depending on individual needs and preferences.


Breakfast: cauliflower toast with avocado and cheese

Lunch: salmon burgers without a bun with pesto

Dinner: zucchini noodles with meatballs and cheese


Breakfast:  omelet with mushrooms

Lunch: tuna salad, celery and tomato, and green veggies

Dinner: roast chicken with sauce and fried broccoli


Breakfast: bell peppers stuffed with eggs and cheese

Lunch:  hard-boiled eggs, arugula salad with blue cheese, turkey, and avocado.

Dinner: grilled salmon with spinach fried in sesame oil


Breakfast:  chia pudding with coconut milk with coconut and walnuts

Lunch: salad with cobb meat and greens, avocado, hard-boiled eggs, cheese, and turkey

Dinner: chicken curry with coconut


Breakfast:  egg boats and baked avocado

Lunch: Caesar salad 

Dinner: pork chops and vegetables


Breakfast: butter-fried 2 eggs with fried greens

Lunch: burger without a bun with cheese, mushrooms, and avocado side with greens

Dinner: pork chops with green beans fried shortly in olive oil


Breakfast: full-fat yogurt with Keto granola

Lunch: steak bowl with cauliflower, cheese, avocado, herbs, and salsa

Dinner: steak with cheese and broccoli

As you can see, keto meals can be diverse, creative, and flavorful. Ketogenic meals are usually based around animal products, but, there is a variety of ingredients that can be great for vegetarian meals. Your meals should be full of whole foods, fiber-rich, low-carb veggies. Healthy fats like butter, sesame, avocado, and olive oil are welcome, too.

If you want to, you can add a cup of berries to your breakfast, or between meals you can eat some keto-friendly snacks such as:

  • Parmesan crisps
  • Almonds and cheese
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Avocado with chicken salad
  • Kale chips
  • Heavy whipping cream and berries
  • Two hardboiled eggs
  • Peppers and celery with cheese dip
  • Coconut chips
  • Sliced salami with olives 

These are just some ideas to help you understand the variety of ingredients that a person on a keto diet can eat. Snacks should have a high level of fat, less protein, and almost no carbs. You can also increase your fiber intake by eating vegetables and high-fat dipping.


When you decide to follow a diet, whichever diet that is, you need to keep in mind the appropriate number of calories. This number can be different from person to person and it is based on the activity level, gender, age, and weight loss goal. For questions, help, or ideas feel free to contact us. An excellent strategy to accomplish your goal and ensure that you are doing it correctly is to get advice from a professional. 

Easy weight loss with a keto meal plan

If keto is new to you or you have done it for a while, you probably decided to start it because you wanted to lose weight. Maybe you saw or heard of someone who has reduced their weight using the keto diet. A Keto meal plan is popular because one of the biggest benefits of following a high-fat and low-carb diet is weight loss.

We need to be aware that keto is not a quick fix. That is not something that happens overnight and we need to be patient and determined. It took us a long time to put on some weight, so we will need some time to lose it. 

You should always consult with a professional before you start a new diet plan or make changes in your lifestyle. Here are some tips and tricks for the keto meal plan for weight loss.

How does weight loss work with keto?

This diet plan helps you to increase energy levels and improves lipid status, and blood sugar. It will lead to weight and fat mass loss and reduces waist measurements.

How does weight loss work? When can we see the results? How much can you expect to lose? We are sure that these are the questions that you need answers to.

This diet works because it leads to a natural metabolic change where your body switches to the state of ketosis. It means that your body will start to use fat for fuel instead of glucose. It uses fat that you eat, fat that your body generates (cholesterol), and fat that your body has stored. You are eating fewer calories, most processed food is not in your daily diet, and your diet is balanced and consists of more whole foods. That is why it leads to fat loss, too. When your body enters ketosis it can lead to appetite suppression.

Losing weight depends on your body and your goals. It is all individual, sometimes you might lose 10 pounds sometimes 200. Your age, body fat percentage, height, starting weight, activity level, or existing conditions have an impact on your metabolism and play a big role in your rate of loss. A healthy goal would be to maintain to lose one to three pounds per week.

If you stay at a calorie deficit and stay consistent, for the first month of keto, most people lose around 10 pounds or more. After a month your body adapts to burning fat as fuel. Adaptation can take weeks, so you need to stick with the plan to teach your body to be a fat burner in a difference of a sugar burner. In addition, managing electrolytes is important, too. You will need more sodium, magnesium, and potassium during this time so you can fight symptoms of keto flu

During the first stages of a keto diet, many people will lose weight fast as water loss. You drastically remove carbs from your diet and that is why you lose a lot of water weight. Fewer carbs will cause lover insulin, which allows the kidneys to eliminate surplus sodium. Of course, it is different for everyone.

Tips to lose weight faster

If you are new to this, or if you are on a keto diet plan, but weight loss is not happening, this is what you can do:

Start counting your calories.

Use a keto macro calculator to find out how many calories you need to eat if you want to lose weight.  You need to figure out where those calories should come from. Some of them need to come from carbs, protein, or fat. Follow those numbers for several weeks and see if it works. Plan your meals, or if you are not sure how to do so, the best idea is to get low-calorie meal delivery. It can help you relax a little bit if this is all new to you.

Seek outcome, not ketones.

Don`t think about burning fat all the time. Ketosis does not mean that you are burning body fat, and it’s not something that works for everyone. The important part is the results. Try different things until you find something that helps you reach your weight loss goals. This can sometimes mean that you need to eat carbs to get out of keto. One day a week have a carb refeed day, eat carbs before or after exercising or try different types of keto.

Try intermittent fasting.

A lot of people said that it worked for them. You are not eating for one part of the day, and then you have all your calories in a short time window. Itself, intermittent fasting is a powerful tool for overall health and weight loss. 

Try not to consume sweeteners or dairy.

Eating dairy can cause retaining water and carrying more weight around. It can stop you from reaching your goal. Even if you are lactose tolerant, too many dairy products can make you feel bloated. You don`t have to do this forever, just until the results start happening.  Too many sweeteners may cause inflammation or gastric distress and also lead you to crave sugary foods.


When we work out we burn more fat. Exercising helps burn glucose faster and helps you get into ketosis and stay there, which results in weight loss. If you are not sure how to start, try daily walks or jogging, or workout classes. You can also hire a professional coach. A coach will see your blind spots and help you stay on track. They will have a plan for you and help you get the results you want. Find someone who has a degree in Dietetics or Nutrition, or who is a registered dietician. A coach who knows what it is like to struggle with losing weight and who has already helped others.

Don`t eat between meals.

Snacking is not a friend of those who wants to lose weight. Most keto snack foods are caloric, like cheese or nuts. Meals are already high-fat and snacking can only add calories. Try to have three or two meals a day and don`t eat anything between them.

Drink a lot of water.

This is a big deal. If you drink enough water you will easily see the difference between real hunger and cravings, you will remove toxins and decrease appetite. Before you eat, drink water.

Be sure that you are eating enough salt.

When you are on keto your body retains water differently, so sodium and other electrolytes get out of your body quickly. You also need sodium and potassium. Vitamin C is also important.

Keep it simple.

Don`t stress and plan every step. You don`t want to overwhelm yourself because it will seem harder than it is. Complicated meals will seem too hard at the beginning. Get into ketosis using a simple keto diet plan. Give your body time to adapt.

Carefully read labels.

Sometimes it seems that food is keto-friendly, but we need to check carefully. In some products, there is starch or carbs that we are not counting and that can prevent us from getting into ketosis.

Try these things mentioned above and keep track of fat loss for a few weeks. They should lead to weight loss. If you are not seeing results after one or two months, maybe keto is not the right choice for your body and you can find something else that works better for you.


The main thing about making your keto meal plan for weight loss is to have a calorie deficit. As the change happens you can strengthen and shape your body by exercising, too.  The change will not happen fast and you may not see the results right away. It is different for everyone, so listen to your body, and encourage yourself. We are here for all your concerns. It is easier when you have someone to answer all your questions. 

Commit to the process and you will see the changes you wish. 

Useful tips for keto-diet lunch planning

If you are looking for a keto diet lunch tips, keep in mind that the keto diet limits carbohydrate intake. The recommendation is to take less than 50 grams of net carbs per day. This diet plan can be a good idea because it increases fat burning, healthy weight loss, and better metabolic health.

When you wish to follow a ketogenic diet, it might be challenging to develop new and inventive meal ideas. When doing so, there are a few things you must keep in mind, and you can use some simple but delectable recipes as guides.

Fresh start

The best way to prepare is to make sure your kitchen is diet friendly before starting your diet plan. This can increase your chances of success. Kitchen clean-out is important because you are starting a new diet, so, you need new food, too!

Your chances of success will be better only by removing as much temptation as possible. If you toss (or give away) all sweet and high-carb foods from your fridge, pantry, or freezer. The more you remove, the better. Need more ideas on what to remove? Here are some products:

  • Fridge: Beer, fruit, juice, jam, ketchup, margarine, peanut butter, soft drinks, sports drinks, syrups, all low-fat, fat-free, light or lite products…
  • Pantry: Beans, bread, cake, candy, cereal, chips, chocolate, cookies, flour, honey, popcorn, potatoes, snacks, sugar in all forms…
  • Freezer: Frozen dinners, frozen pizza, all kinds of frozen potatoes, waffles, frozen yogurt, popsicles, and other frozen treats…

Preparing lunch has never been easier 

The hardest part about changing your lifestyle and starting a new diet can be what to eat when you’re not at home, like at lunchtime. Trying to figure out the way that takeout restaurant menus can work can be a problem. Low-carb options are few and far between, and you risk getting knocked out of ketogenesis or eating something dull and uninspiring.

It can take a bit more preparation, but the reward of making and bringing your lunch is worth it. Even if you work from home, knowing you’ve got a delicious lunch waiting for you can make the difference between a productive morning and not. There is a list of keto diet lunch tips that will inspire you to make your low-carb lunch in no time.

For most portability, bring a pile of lettuce leaves and something to wrap in them, like a cheesesteak or tuna salad. Right at your workstation, you can put together as few or as many as you wish.

If you’re more the everything-in-a-bowl-type, there are ideas for you too, like deconstructed egg roll bowls or keto chili. Sushi’s a no-go for low-carb because of the rice, but you can get creative, and make sushi rolls out of bacon and zucchini. The options for fillings are endless, and you can go with your faves or whatever you’ve got left over in the fridge. 

You`ve had a tough week at work? There is comfort food for you, like our cauliflower “mac” & cheese. Whatever you decide to make, be sure to bring your lunch in something cute and functional.

Yes, lunchboxes are for kids, but we’re adult enough to admit that we like them, too. So, find an interesting lunchbox and you will be excited to pack your lunch every day.

10 easy ideas for your keto lunch

Make your lunchbox colorful, mix ingredients, and put food that you like and that makes you happy. These are some ideas that you can use, but, feel free to get creative:

Hard-Boiled Egg Snack Plate

Everyone loves hard-boiled eggs. Prepare ahead by boiling a big batch over the weekend, then peel and pack on weekdays with lots of salt and pepper. Add 1/2 avocado, French onion dip, cucumber slices, and string cheese.

Turkey-cheddar roll-ups

Thinly-sliced turkey stands in for the tortilla or super-simple cheese wraps. Add 1/2 avocado, blueberries, cucumber slices, and almonds. (Switch up the cheese throughout the week — use cheddar, provolone, dill Havarti, or any other that you prefer…)

Ranch Chicken Bites

Toss juicy chicken bites with your favorite ranch dressing for a winning lunch that will keep you full. Add roasted broccoli, Babybel cheese, and cherry tomatoes.

Zoodles and Meatballs

Make an easy, diet-friendly version of spaghetti and meatballs by putting in zoodles and taking pre-cooked meatballs. Add Zoodles with lemon juice and olive oil, roasted almonds, cubed cheddar cheese, and Babybel cheese.

Chicken Sausage

Pre-cooked chicken sausage is a fast and easy choice for a keto-approved lunch. It comes in a huge variety of flavors so try new types throughout the week. Add Guacamole, French onion dip, almonds, and radishes.

Pepperoni Picnic Box

Grazing is one of the easiest ways to eat keto. Pack up some meats, veggies, and cheese, and pretend you’re dining outdoors. There are not a lot of things better than eating French onion dip at lunchtime, right? Add Pepperoni slices, French onion dip, 1/2 avocado, celery sticks, and cubed cheddar cheese.

Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Roll-Ups

Spread cream cheese onto thin slices of smoked salmon to create roll-ups. They are so good, you will want to pack them again and again. Add Zoodles with lemon juice and olive oil, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, and almonds.

Bacon Chips and Dip

Crunchy, salty bacon chips are the lunch necessities you didn’t know you needed. Cut a few slices of bacon into pieces, bake until crisp, and then dip into guacamole. Add 2 hard-boiled eggs, almonds, and string cheese.

Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps

Scoop tuna salad onto sturdy lettuce leaves for a creamy, crunchy main. Add Salty snacks, some pickles, cubed cheddar cheese, and almonds.

Hot Smoked Salmon

If you haven’t already gotten to know hot smoked salmon, here’s your chance: It’s smoky, not too salty, and flakes easily into nice big chunks. Add Guacamole, blueberries, roasted broccoli, and almonds.


Recommended beverages while using this diet plan

Lunch always tastes better when we have a refreshing drink with it. Even better, when we can choose something to drink that goes well with our keto meal plan. The reason that we have to be careful is that sugar can be found in a lot of different beverages like juice, soda, iced tea, and coffee drinks.

The ketogenic diet requires the limitation or avoiding high-carb drinks, the same as high-carb foods. The greatest method to stick to your diet plan is with cold-pressed juices and organic shots.

There are many tasty yet sugar-free options for those on the keto diet. Some of the keto-friendly beverage choices are

  • Water. Water is always the best choice for hydration and should be consumed throughout the whole day. If you want to add extra flavor to your water, try adding some fresh mind or lemon peel.
  • Sparkling water. Sparkling water makes an excellent soda replacement.
  • Sugar-free coffee. You can use heavy cream to add flavor to your favorite cup of coffee.
  • Unsweetened tea. Especially green tea is delicious and may provide many health benefits.

Alcohol should be restricted, but enjoying an occasional low-carb drink such as vodka or tequila with soda water is acceptable on the keto diet.


Even if it seems that it is not always easy, be persistent and the results will follow. Get creative, choose the ingredients and products that can keep you healthy and that go well with your needs. We are here to help you make custom meals of your preference so you can have great lunch every day.

What is the best meal plan for keto?

If you are a part of the discussion about weight loss or dieting, there are big chances that you will hear about the ketogenic or keto diet but also about the best keto meal plan. Among people who are trying to improve their health or lose weight, the keto diet has become one of the popular ways to do so. 

The primary reason why people start keto is that in most cases can be an effective and easy way to lose weight. If you are interested in starting keto, you are probably wondering which meal plan is the best for you. That depends on your activity level, health history, and your goals. 

There are different studies and opinions about the best keto meal plan. In this text, you can find some general information that might help you choose the best one for you.

The most popular types of a ketogenic diet

Strict keto diet 

When someone says that they are on the strict version of keto, usually they talk about the version that`s been shown to help treat epilepsy. This strict keto is also called the therapeutic keto diet.  It is the original keto, created in the 1920s to treat seizures. It can also help those who were non-responsive to the medication.

Sticking to the best keto meal plan for at least one year can lead to improvements. Almost half of the study participants had great results. Twelve percent became seizure-free. This is something that the study published in June 2016 in practical neurology showed.

This type of keto diet allows you to take the lowest amount of carbs (that is why it’s the strictest). According to the study, 90 percent of daily calories come from fat, 6 percent from protein, and 4 percent from carbs.

This strict version of keto is, of course, the toughest one to stick to. It is easier to keep up with keto when you use a changed version that is a little bit less strict.

The standard keto diet

This is the most common version of the keto diet. It involves getting 75 percent of calories from fat, 20 percent from protein, and 5 percent from carbs. Carbs are limited to twenty or thirty grams per day. It is essential to know that this keto diet is one that many people follow. Even though, it is not the original version of keto. It is a perfect diet for people who are looking for weight loss and other health benefits. 

We need to mention that you want to follow this version of best keto meal plan, as for every other change in your diet, you should first consult with your doctor so you can be sure that it is the right diet for you.

Mediterranean keto diet

This keto diet might be the healthiest for your heart. You should follow standard keto macro amounts and have Mediterranean diet parts like fish and olive oil. The important part is the quality of the fats that you eat. Fatty acids and omega-3s lower cholesterol and have lots of benefits to our health. If you are a fan of salmon or sardines this is a good keto choice for you. You should rest after a meal, get regular exercise and you will get truly Mediterranean.

Keto cycling 

This type of keto diet can help you stick to your diet plan easily. In this meal plan, you will follow the diet for 5 days and then have one or two days with more carbs. You should still be careful so your body will be able to return to ketosis. It is a good type of diet for people who want to take a break and who have difficulties staying on keto.

Keto is for athletes who are looking to improve their performance

This is also called the targeted keto diet. It is usually for athletes because you have your meals until 30 to 45 minutes before exercise and then eat about 25 g of carbs. You do it this way because you have enough carbs for your workout and you can still return to ketosis after you are done. You should choose easy-to-digest carbs so you can be sure that you didn`t add calories to your daily total amount. 

Some studies showed that 28 days of a keto diet helped athletes to improve their performance. But it is also mentioned that diet’s benefits were seen in short-duration and that results were not consistent, so that can be the reason that some athletes decide that it is not the best choice for them. This diet plan goes well with people who do muscle-building workouts, swim, run, and play tennis.

A high-protein keto diet 

This type of keto might be the best for bodybuilders. It requires you to increase your protein daily intake. Protein should replace thirty percent of calories. You can get protein from meat, fish, dairy, nuts, and seeds. This diet is a good choice for those who want to protect their muscle mass. You should also be careful not to increase your protein intake too much. Proteins will not get you out of ketosis but they can lower the level of ketones in your blood. This version of the diet has the same weight loss benefits as the standard keto diet.

Dirty keto

This diet type is a standard diet with an expanded menu. The source of macros in this diet is not important. The important part is that macronutrient amounts support the ketogenic state. This way of keto is for people who don`t have time for meal prep or cooking. It is also the easiest diet to follow if you are a beginner, travel a lot, or have a busy schedule. You can just read the label on the package and don`t have to worry about meal planning. The reason to be careful is that some food, even though it sounds keto, might have additives. 

Clean keto diet

It is the opposite of a dirty keto diet. Requires you to eat organic food. Based on finding the healthiest versions of ingredients. Organic, pasture-raised, cold-pressed, and grass-fed are the words that you are looking for. This diet may need more financial investment because these foods are usually pricier than other products.

Keto 2.0 

This keto is a type of standard diet but with a lower intake of fats. If you think that the standard keto diet is too difficult you can try this version. Fat is decreased, but carbs and protein are increased. You can eat a variety of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. If you are looking for weight loss you need to be careful with your calories. A good diet for weight loss is followed long-term. Some people would say that is not keto, because if you have a higher carb intake you will have difficulties staying in ketosis.

Lazy keto diet 

This is probably the easiest version. It is the easiest to follow because you only track carbs, you are not counting calories. You will see results if you keep your carbs low enough and don`t eat too many proteins. This is a good meal plan for those who are interested in ketosis but do not want to count calories, protein, or fat.

The final word

These were some ideas of meal plans that you can choose from. If you are not sure which keto version is for you, the best way to choose one is to talk to your dietitian. This is something that you should do every time you plan to change your diet. We would suggest you listen to your body and the way that a certain type of diet makes you feel. For all the questions you might have, you can always contact us. 

Keep in mind that sticking to one diet type long-term will bring results. Good luck!

What to Eat on a Keto Diet Meal Plan

Starting on a keto diet might be challenging, which is why we are offering you some tips and tricks to use so it can be easier. You may be wondering what to eat on a keto diet. A good way to start is to get familiar with labels and start checking grams of carbs, fiber, and fat. This way you can be sure how your favorite meals and food can fit into your daily diet.

If you want to save some time during the week, planning your meals, or getting a meal delivery can be beneficial. You can use some ideas from keto-friendly food to plan your custom meals. You are probably wondering what fits into a keto diet and what is not such a good choice. This text will give you information on what to eat on a keto diet and what to avoid.

How to start

The first thing you need to know about the keto diet is that includes fresh products, healthy fats, and proteins. Make sure to include keto-friendly vegetables and fruits in your meals. This diet plan requires you to eat about 60-80 percent of fat, 10-30 percent protein, and no more than 5-10 percent of carbs daily. The keto diet plan will put your body into ketosis. In this state, your body uses fat as fuel source, not carbohydrates.

Start fresh and try to remove, or give away the food that doesn`t agree with your new diet plan from your refrigerator or pantry. Focus on low-carb, high-fat foods, like eggs, meats, dairy, and low-carb vegetables, and of course sugar-free drinks. Be sure that you limit eating processed foods and trans fats.

Before you change your diet, talk to a professional to be sure that it is a safe option for you.

The best and easiest keto meal plan has a few amazing qualities:

  • Eating family-friendly and delicious recipes
  • Using clean and easy-to-find keto ingredients
  • You waste less food because you can use leftovers
  • Easy to use and adjust
  • Goes well with schedule changes
  • It is flexible
  • It helps you count macros easily
what to eat on a keto diet

List of products that go well with your keto meal plan

Animal proteins

Eggs – eggs are a great and healthy source of protein. One large egg has less than a gram of carbs and six grams of protein, which is why they are ideal for keto.

Poultry and meat – Poultry and fresh meat do not contain carbs and they include important minerals and B vitamins, protein to help keep your muscle mass. If you can choose it is always better to eat grass-fed than grain-fed animal meat.

Fish – and shellfish are keto-friendly. Salmon, sardines, and other fish are almost carb-free and they are rich in omega-3 fats, vitamins B, selenium, and potassium. Shrimps and crabs have almost no carbs, but octopuses and oysters do. 

Dairy and dairy options

Cheese – even though there are lots of types of cheese, most of them are high in fat and low in carbs, so they are a good fit for your keto diet. They also contain calcium and help reduce losing muscle mass and strength. Some cheeses like cottage cheese, Brie, cream cheese, feta, blue cheese, goat cheese, cheddar, Colby jack, mascarpone, parmesan, mozzarella, Havarti, pepper jack, swiss cheese, Limburger, string cheese are great for a keto diet because they don`t have a lot of carbs.

Plant-based milk – soy, coconut, and almond milk are keto-friendly. Make sure to use unsweetened versions because of the level of sugar in sweetened ones. Oat milk is something that you should avoid because unsweetened versions are still high in carbs and not keto-friendly.

Cottage cheese and greek yogurt – are high-protein and nutritious food. They do contain some carbs, but in moderation, you can eat them on keto. Eat them with, cinnamon, spices, or chopped nuts.

Half-and-half and cream – both are high in fat and low in carbs, and in moderation, a great choice for keto. You can add them to coffee or use small amounts of milk for cooking.


Unlike most fruits, berries are allowed to eat on keto. Strawberries and raspberries are low in carbs, but high in fiber. They are full of antioxidants. Blueberries and blackberries are lower in carbs than some fruit but they do not fit into strict keto.


Peppers – there are varieties of peppers that are keto-friendly. Small hot peppers are good to spice up recipes, jalapenos are great for appetizers. Mild peppers can be stuffed and full of flavors for low-carb dishes. They have vitamin C.

High-fat veggies – olives and avocados are unique and high in fat. They are not just low-carb veggies, they are also full of fiber.

Green vegetables – are very low-carb and excellent for keto. These vegetables are full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Spinach, collard greens, and kale are full of iron and vitamin K. Rosemary and oregano add flavor and have almost no carbs. You can also eat lettuce, arugula, escarole, baby spinach, mustard greens, cabbage, and bok choy. Herbs like mint, sage, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, and lemongrass are also welcome.

Nonstarchy veggies – cauliflower, root veggies. Turnips make a good substitute for potatoes.

Squash – summer squash, zucchini, and yellow squash are low in carbs and popular on keto. They are very delicious in cold salads. Make zucchini noodles and they can change regular noodles or pasta in your diet.

Other vegetables that are keto-friendly are mushrooms, broccoli, cucumber, eggplant, radishes, green beans, tomatoes, celery, and brussels sprouts.

There are some that you should avoid. Corn, onions(in large amounts), potatoes, beets, butternut, and acorn squash.

Seeds and nuts – are high in fat and fiber, low in carbs, and healthy. The lowest in carbs and best for keto are pecans, walnuts, macadamia nuts, flaxseeds, almonds, and chia seeds.

Cocoa and dark chocolate

Cocoa and dark chocolate are sources of antioxidants and are very delicious. It might come as a surprise but you can eat chocolate in moderation on keto. It must have a minimum of seventy percent cocoa. 

Oils and fats

Olive oil – provides benefits for your heart. It is full of antioxidants, and oleic acid, and has no carbs. It is a good base for salad dressings and mayonnaise. Use it for low-heat cooking or add it to already-cooked dishes. You can also use avocado and coconut oil.

Butter – it is a good fat to include in your keto. Ghee is also something that you can use because it is carb-free. 


Unsweetened tea and coffee – adding heavy cream to them are okay, but avoid tea lattes or light coffee are usually made with high-carb additives and nonfat milk.

Sparkling water is a good choice, of course unsweetened.

At first, it may seem restrictive, but the keto diet may help you lose weight, control blood sugar, and achieve other health goals.

high-protein keto meal

The first week of keto

Someone who is just starting a new diet plan, especially a low-carb diet, needs to keep things simple at first. That will make the transition easier. Leftovers can be pretty helpful if you don`t want to spend too much time making meals and pondering what to eat on a keto diet.

For breakfast, the good idea is to eat something quick and tasty hence the leftovers. You can start your diet on the weekend so you can make meals that will last for almost the whole week. This way you will not have to make breakfast before work.

For lunch, you should also keep it simple. Salads that you can make the night before are a good idea. You will have a grab-and-go meal. Saland can have a little bit of protein with green vegetables. You can add seasonings and spices of your liking. 

For dinner, you can eat soups or casseroles with cooked vegetables, without side dishes. They are great on a low-carb, keto diet and you get leftovers there. 

Making a shopping list at the begging of every week is also something that can be very helpful. This way you will get the groceries you need altogether, and it will be easier to stick to a meal plan. Be sure to include protein, dairy, spices, herbs, fats, and oils.


Having all the right information on what to eat on a keto diet is half of the job done. Now you know what to eat on keto so following the diet should be a piece of cake (sorry, no cake on keto). If there is anything that you are unsure about, let us know, and we will find a way to remove all your concerns. 

Get ready, go shopping for your keto groceries, and be persistent and the results will follow.

Keto Meal Plan and Exercise

Including exercise when following a low-carb or ketogenic diet might be difficult. It’s critical to comprehend how a low-carb diet affects both your body and physical performance in the gym if you want to maximize the benefits of your keto plan exercise.

The excellent thing is that working out while on a low-carb or ketogenic diet is very possible. Some things may have an impact on how well you do in the gym, but they aren’t sufficient grounds for quitting. There’s a very good chance that you may achieve fantastic results by merely altering your exercise regimen and making sure you adequately nourish yourself before working out.

What Effect Does Exercise Have After Starting Keto?

Your workouts may probably feel more difficult when you initially begin a ketogenic diet. Your body will only have access to carbs when exercising on the keto diet, which is a major factor in this.

Carbohydrates are often the main source of fuel for most individuals during exercise. You just wouldn’t have the stamina to get through a demanding training session without them. Having said that, if you’re prepared to stick with a keto plan exercise when starting a keto diet, you could soon see some actual advantages from doing so.

The main advantage you could experience is a reduction in body weight and fat. As was previously said, carbohydrates are our main source of energy when exercising, so when we cut back on them in our diet, we also cut back on the energy that is available to us.

This fat reduction would be good for our health and wellness for many of us. If your goal is to gain muscle through exercise, it can take longer for you to see results. Your exercises won’t be as vigorous because your body won’t have as much energy.

Advantages Of Exercise While in Ketosis

Keto may improve exercise performance. Here are four advantages of working out when following a ketogenic diet:

Less exhaustion

According to some, those who are in ketosis don’t suffer the same level of exhaustion following a workout as those who carb load or use other types of pre-workout nutrition.

Higher Fat Burn

Your body may use both fat and carbs as fuel while you work out. Your body will automatically turn to its fat reserves to fuel your workout if there are no carbohydrates available.

Better Recovery Time

Because they are burning fat stores instead of carbohydrates for energy, several athletes have experienced better muscle recovery after working out while in ketosis.

Blood Glucose Control

When you exercise on a ketogenic diet, your body uses fat as its main energy source, which makes it easier for it to control blood sugar levels than when it uses carbohydrates, which can cause variations.


Exercises Suiting the Keto Diet

It’s crucial to consider both your keto plan exercise program and nutrition while following a ketogenic diet. You may anticipate certain changes in how your body reacts to both activities and meals when you start and move through the phases of keto.

The good thing is that everyone can discover a ketogenic workout that suits their requirements and skills, so long as you try out a few different ones, you should be able to find one.

  • Exercise that is anaerobic

It’s time to engage in a few high-intensity exercises once you have mastered the ketogenic diet and feel confident working out. If adding more of them to your training routine is your objective, they are excellent for increasing muscle growth.

  • Exercise that is aerobic

When following a low-carb diet, one of the greatest methods to promote weight reduction is through aerobic activity. This is because aerobic activity aids in creating an energy deficit in your body, which causes you to burn more calories than you consume.

  • Exercise that is for flexibility 

Yoga and other flexibility activities assist to decrease post-workout soreness by keeping joints and muscles healthy and lowering stress levels. This is applicable both when beginning a ketogenic diet and fitness program as well as months afterward.

  • Exercise that is for stability 

The last kind of activity that may be performed while following a ketogenic diet is stabilization exercises. Exercises like Pilates or balance training help you become more coordinated and prevent injury. This might be useful if you’re engaging in intense exercise to increase your muscle mass, but it can also be useful for novices who do not have the neuromuscular control required for such activities.

Best keto workout plan for free

Here is a sample keto exercise schedule for 7 days to help you lose weight:

  • First day: Resistance training
  • Second day: Pilates or Yoga  
  • Third day: Training with high-intensity interval
  • Fourth day: Long-duration cardio, like running
  • Fifth day: Stretching and other flexibility exercises
  • The sixth and Seventh days are off days.

The meal plan for keto exercise – What Foods Are Best For Building Muscle?


Foods High in Magnesium

One of the electrolytes that you’re likely to lose through sweat and urine is magnesium. The finest sources of magnesium are dark green veggies like broccoli, kale, and spinach.

Rich in Potassium Foods

When following a ketogenic diet plan, one potential side effect is that your kidneys may excrete more potassium than usual. The loss may result in weariness and cramps while exercising. While the majority of fruits, vegetables, and nuts only give modest quantities of potassium, certain items, including meats, fish, and avocados, are rich in potassium.


The building blocks of protein and amino acids are crucial for the development of muscle tissue. Due to their ability to be converted into glucose to meet your body’s energy requirements, some amino acids are said to as glucogenic.

As a result, you should watch out that your muscles don’t use all of these amino acids, leaving none for the formation of other proteins or other bodily processes.

Eggs, meat, poultry, fish, avocados, and low-carb dairy foods like hard cheeses and heavy cream are some of the finest sources of protein on the keto diet.

Foods Rich in Sodium

For people who perform intense activities that cause heavy perspiration, replacing electrolytes like salt is crucial. The majority of your sodium will come from the salt you add to your diet, along with minor levels that are naturally found in many foods if you’re attempting to avoid processed foods. For the most part, eating adequate salt is not an issue.


When it comes to your keto workout food plan, don’t forget about fat! To improve your performance in the gym, dietary lipids are crucial for the production of testosterone and increasing overall energy levels. They promote lifespan in general and help preserve good skin and hair. Both animal food like beef or pig and plant sources like coconut oil or avocados may provide you with dietary fat.

The following are the top sources of good fats for meals and snacks:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Coconut oil and MCT oil
  • Ghee and butter 

How Much Should You Eat While on Keto To Gain Muscle?

While on the keto diet, the following suggestions might help you get the most out of your workouts:

  • Consume sufficient protein to maintain muscular mass.
  • Utilize fats for 50–70% of your daily energy needs.
  • Make sure that 10–15% of your diet consists of carbohydrates, with an emphasis on high-fiber foods like berries and leafy greens.

As part of your keto exercise meal plan, you should also keep track of your macronutrient intake because doing so will enable you to achieve your objectives. To ensure they aren’t overdoing it on either end, this entails counting calories and restricting carbohydrates and protein while boosting fat consumption.


How to Fuel Your Body for Exercise While Consuming a Ketogenic Diet?

It can be beneficial to switch to a performance-based keto diet plan if you’re interested in gaining muscle mass. By including certain carbohydrates before, during, and after your training regimen, you may achieve this. Here are some fundamental recommendations for eating before doing out while on the ketogenic diet.

  • Snack before exercise: Have a low glycemic index carb-rich beverage, like coconut water, grape juice, or flavored sparkling water, about an hour before your workout. This fuels you for the upcoming session while replenishing your glycogen levels without significantly interfering with ketosis.
  • Throughout Your Workout: Make sure to incorporate targeted carbohydrates in your snack or supper one hour after consuming a low-GI beverage during your workout. Bananas, sweet potatoes, rice cakes, or date buns with nut butter on top are some excellent examples of sources of these carbohydrates.
  • Your post-workout: It’s ideal to avoid consuming a lot of carbs because doing so might result in blood sugar changes, which can hamper weight reduction outcomes in the future by delaying recovery. So, to hasten recovery and return to ketosis, stick to a fat-rich snack that also contains protein and MCTs.


To get the most out of your workout, your glycogen reserves must be full. Keto dieters will find it difficult to go through demanding activities that run more than 60 minutes without carbohydrates. You can enhance performance and yet lose weight by tailoring your macronutrient intake around exercises. No matter what stage of the ketogenic diet you may be in, with the advice in this article, you should be able to maintain your fitness objectives.

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