With the busy schedule, modern lifestyle, and all the things that you need to do throughout the day, you might not have time to cook and prepare your meals. Whatever diet preferences you have, and especially with the keto diet plan, it is usually easier to buy ready meals or to get them delivered.
Ready meals and delivery services are here to stay even though some people are not big fans of those. Last ten years, especially the last three, these services have been growing, improving, and evolving. The chances to find something that fits your requirements and lifestyle are big.
In this text, we will talk about some things that can help you find your meals, places to buy them, and their benefits.
Tips and tricks for finding your meals
It doesn`t matter what is your favorite supermarket, you will not have problems finding at least a few ready-to-eat keto food. The trick is to know where and what to look for. This is easy once you find out where are keto-friendly prepared foods in your local market. You will be in and out of the door fast. Even if you are on the road, you can find your food in some small local grocery stores or common supermarkets.
Check the hot food bar for low-carb meals. Supermarket often has a food bar that is buffet style or where you can find pre-packed hot meals. Find dishes with meat and vegetables. Soups are a good choice, too. Avoid things with rice or noodles.
Look for prepared deli meals. Get cold meals like tuna, chicken, or egg salad at the deli counter. They are generally high-protein, low-carb meals that will go well with your keto diet. Be sure to check the labels, and verify that there is no sugar or starch before you buy them. If you only find these things prepared in a sandwich form, you can ask one of the employees to fill the container with the same ingredients but without bread. You can buy green veggies salad in a bag, just not caesar salad or salad with croutons.
Buy a meat and cheese platter for a fast and easy protein-heavy meal. Search the cheese and meat section for ready meals or cheese combos. Cold-cut meats and almost all types of cheeses are safe choices for your keto diet plan. They are low-carb and high-protein. You can even ask supermarket employees to cut your favorite types of meat and cheese and put them in a container for you.
Buy a whole roasted chicken at a hot meal section. When you do that, you will have a high-protein meal right away. You can even store leftovers in the fridge and have a meal for the next day, or even two. Even bones and scraps can be used to make chicken broth which is great for the keto diet. You should avoid fried chicken because it has a coat high in carbs.
They are nutrient-rich and healthy. Supermarkets have washed pre-cut and ready-to-eat vegetables. You can get a platter with keto-friendly dips like ranch or blue cheese. Vegetables like green beans or green peas are off-limits on the keto diet because they have lots of carbs.
Search for berries. Mixes with raspberries or blackberries are good if you need something sweet. They make a great addition to your breakfast or you can use them as snacks when you need something fresh, sweet, and juicy. Remember that fruit salads with sugary fruits are not keto-friendly.
Purchase cottage cheese or greek yogurt. Mix them with berries or vegetables even. You will get a delicious breakfast full of proteins and vitamins.
Get a bag of low-carb nuts or seeds. Healthy nuts that go well with keto are walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, almonds, and Brazilian nuts. The seed for your keto diet is chia, hemp, pumpkin seed, and flax. Avoid peanuts, pistachios, or cashews.
If there is no strict keto section in the supermarket, be sure to check the labels on every package before you buy it.
Where can you get your keto-ready meals?
This might be one of your biggest concerns, but keto-ready meals are easy to find. Supermarkets, local grocery stores, and even farmer markets can be places to look. On the other hand, there are lots of delivery services to help you get your ready, healthy, and delicious meals.
Where ever you are check for the `healthy food section`, try to find fresh ingredients, or check labels and you will not make mistakes. Supermarkets even offer delivery, you can order, pay and pick up your order, or just go in and shop. A lot of restaurants have orders to go, so you can easily get your food from a nearby place. Some places to buy or order food:
Wallmart. This is a store that almost every neighborhood has and there is a keto section with over five hundred different products. Some are keto-friendly snacks, some are whole dishes that you can choose from.
Whole foods. They can offer you fresh ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes that are good for your keto diet.
Target. This store has a healthy food section, order and pick up, schedule a delivery date, or same-day delivery.
These are some of the places, of course, but, as previously mentioned, there are some tricks and tips to find your keto-friendly meal everywhere.
The benefits of keto-ready meals
When you are a beginner, it can seem scary to start a new diet plan. That is a natural feeling and before you know it, it will pass. Ready meals are a great help when you start. They can give you ideas for later, or you can just decide that they are better for you through your whole journey. These meals can save you a lot of time.
There are many benefits of prepped and ready meals, especially when we talk about the keto diet because sometimes it might be hard to know what food is keto friendly. Some of those benefits are:
- This helps you have ready meals for the whole week, on time and in an efficient manner.
- It allows you to have different variations of food, but not excluding health benefits as some other diets do.
- It is proven that for many people keto diet supports fat and weight loss, and improves heart health, acne, and other metabolical improvements. In other words, you want to be prepared when you follow this meal plan, and ready meals are your friend.
Luckily, there are a lot of different places where you can choose your ready or half-ready meals with easy recipes. There are meal planning services and usually, you can find two main types. You can get pre-cooked meals that you can store in the fridge. So, all you have to do there is putting them in the microwave and they are ready. The other type is getting pre-measured, pre-packed, and raw ingredients. Of course, with easy-to-follow recipes, that everyone can make.
Easy recipes
Like we said before, you can get uncooked meals with pre-measured ingredients. These meals come with a guide so you can easily navigate your way in the kitchen. Recipes even have pictures, so you will know how everything should look as you cook it. Making them requires basic cooking techniques, which is a good thing for someone who doesn`t know how to cook. Most of the meals will be done in 30 minutes, and not longer than one hour.
Variety of dishes
Another good thing is that you can choose a lot of different kinds of dishes. In another word, you will not get one recipe or dish two days in a row. You can customize your keto food in any way you want to. Because there are a lot of places to buy or order food you can easily choose what you like.
Practical and convenient
You won`t be preparing your meals or doing groceries. If you don`t like doing these or you just don`t have time for squeezing cooking into your schedule. You no longer have to go out all the time to get quality, keto-friendly food. No sacrificing your precious time just to get a meal.
Ready and measured portions
These keto-ready meals have strict measurements and exact portions of ingredients. Every meal you get has the right amount of carts, fats, and proteins based on a ketogenic diet. That said, there is no need to worry if you are getting the right amount of nutrients per day. Everything is calculated because the brand`s nutritionist has examined each package.
Time saver
Ready meals are perfect if you have a lot of responsibilities and you don`t have to make food. You will save a lot of time by not having to look up new recipes on your own. It is great when you know exactly where to find everything you need. The microwave will heat everything for you and you can eat your food in a few minutes. Even with half-ready meals, everything is chopped, you can put it in a pan for a short time, and it is ready.
You will save time by not needing to clean the kitchen. Measuring and chopping can cause a lot of mess. No more arguing about who is going to clean up and you will spend more time enjoying your food and less time in the kitchen making it.
Saving money on groceries
We mentioned that it saves time, but, you can also save money when buying or ordering keto-ready meals. When you do groceries every week or month, that can come with extra costs, such as travel costs. That requires time, too, that you can spend on doing things you like, or just working because time is money. Meal delivery services and other places where you can buy ready meals and get groceries for much lower prices. That is why they can offer you quality food products for a lower cost. Also, you can find different coupons that can help you plan and save money ordering your meals.
Adapted diet plan
The important part of following a keto meal plan is that you find the one that is right for you. With ready meals, you can find the eating plan you want. Because of the variety of places and dishes you can buy, it is easier to find the right option for you. There is no need to get frustrated because you can switch as many as you want to find the one that works for you. You can easily meet your requirements this way.
The final word
People are learning that high-fat, low-carb diets are good ways to lose weight and they are beneficial for their health. That is why the keto diet is gaining popularity. Ready meals are a good thing for you if you are starting a new diet. They can benefit you in many ways if you don`t have much information.
Once you start and see how everything works you can learn some recipes. Then you can decide if you want to make your meals or continue getting ready dishes. Just choose the delivery service, or buy ready meals at stores. Also, be sure that whichever way you choose, make sure that it is accommodating your needs.